dinner part (pt 2)

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Roman and you went back to the dining room after you calmed down, much to Olivia's disdain. Before she opened her mouth, however, Roman looked at her angrily and said, "You're leaving her alone. She's my guest and she most definitely belongs here."

You sat back down and Letha looked at you concerned. "I'm good," you replied.

Letha gently smiled and said, "I'm here anytime you need anything."

You felt someone take your hand into theirs on your other side and rub their thumb on your hand. You glanced over to see Roman smiling at you. "Thank you," you mouthed at him. He nodded.

The rest of dinner was thankfully anticlimactic. Any climax would be at your expense anyway. Letha's family decided to leave first since Norman got called for some emergency work. Letha gave you a tight hug and apologized for what happened. You told her you were fine. "Promise you'll call when you get home, alright?" she said. You gave her your word that you would. It was getting late for Shelley, so she gave you a hug, told you thank you for coming, then retreated to her room to sleep. She was such a precious girl and so misunderstood by almost everyone.

The only ones left in the dining room were you, Roman, and Olivia. As soon as everyone else disappeared, Olivia didn't try to wrap her hate in a layer of sugar.

"Roman, we have to talk," she said sternly.

"I don't think we do," Roman rolled his eyes and held your hand, right in front of his mother. It surprised you, but you tried not to show any emotion.

"Roman!" Olivia shouted with her eyebrows furrowed and a furious expression on her face. "You will do as I say. Now."

"Come on," Roman said to you.

"Roman, do not test me," Olivia hissed as she crossed her arms. "You think you're all grown up and can suddenly start bringing anyone you like here. I'm still the owner of the Godfrey Institute, and I can make sure you don't get a dime of it."

"Mother, blackmailing your son hardly sounds kind, since you were preaching all about it at the dinner table tonight. Besides, you have raised me well enough to make sure a young lady reaches her house safely at  night. Chivalry," Roman scowled at Olivia and stomped out of the room, with you lagging behind him.

When you got into Roman's car, you sighed. "I'm sorry, I'm just causing more tension between you both. This was such a bad idea."

"Y/N, relax," Roman turned to the side to look at you. "I don't even want a relationship with her. She can stay far away from me, and if she doesn't like what I want to do, she can go lie on her mattress and cry about it. I don't care. You want to know something?"

"What?" you asked, a little curious. 

"She's lying. There's nothing she can do to take my inheritance from me. So it doesn't matter what he threatens me with- it's all empty. She'll soon be powerless, and well as for me, I'll have you come over for dinner parties every other night to see her blood boil."

You shook your head. "I don't want to be caught in between the both of you," you said. You pulled the part of your dress that had gravy on it and shook your head. "I'm a klutz."

"And that's fine," Roman laughed. "There are much worse things to be." You looked at him and felt your heartbeat get faster. Something about seeing him laugh made you forget the bad boy he was. Something about it made you think of the goodness that was floating somewhere in his veins.

Roman started the engine to drive. You looked out the window at the empty dark streets.

"You know, you look beautiful tonight. Red is definitely your color," he said out of nowhere.

"And that's a line you've used on how many girls?" you raised your eyebrows and looked at him.

He made a sour expression and took his eyes off the road to look at you. "A thank-you would've been nice, Ms. Y/N. But to answer your question, I don't compliment girls, never have. I don't need to- they're all desperate for me even before I open my mouth."

"Woah, we're feeling way too cocky tonight, aren't we? Get off your high horse," you playfully rolled your eyes at him and laughed.

"Never," he chuckled. 

"Goodness, Roman. Why am I even in your car?"

"Because you can't resist me," he winked at you and gave you a cheeky half-smile. You didn't argue with him; it was true. He was irresistible, which made you surprised he paid so much attention to you. 

Soon, Roman stopped his car in front of your house and got out to open the door on your side. "Goodnight, thank you for dropping me and for dinner. And for everything, really," you said.

"No need for all the mush, sweetheart. Good night. Thank you for coming and sorry my mom's a bitch," Roman replied as he pulled you into a hug. You melted whenever he gave you a hug. He might've been seen as a horrible person, but to you, he had a soft heart with a tough exterior. You felt his heart beating and smiled. Something about listening to a person's heartbeat felt so intimate. 

You pulled away and looked at him. "I would return the compliment of the red dress by saying you look good in black, but I know half the girls in Hemlock High said that to you."

"Doesn't matter what they say. It's all noise to me. From you, however, a compliment never hurts," he smiled again as he kissed your cheek. "See you tomorrow maybe."

You nodded and went inside, your stomach feeling fluttery. Something about Roman Godfrey just made you feel happy inside. You weren't sure what it was- maybe the same charm that captivated everyone at school or perhaps you just knowing him well, but there was something that made you feel weird thinking about him. But a good weird. 

Tonight was a horrible dinner and got you in a storm of emotions, but you were thankful for Letha and Roman. Especially Roman. 

note: well, there's that. hope you liked it. sorry for any mistakes 🤍

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