sick day

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"Achoo!" you sneezed into several layers of tissues, then rubbed your pink nose. You felt a chill down your spine as your head hit your pillow. You felt your forehead and noticed you had a fever. What a day.

Your bedroom door swung open moments later, and you saw your boyfriend standing there, looking puzzled. "Sweetheart? What happened?"

You blew your nose and looked at Roman with tired eyes. "I know we were supposed to go out, achoo!" you sneezed. "But I'm not feeling too well."

"Yeah, I can see that. You were fine yesterday though. Sorry," Roman sympathized. It looked like he didn't really know what to do. "Um, hot water? Does hot water sound good?" he asked, twiddling his thumbs.

"Yes, with a little bit of lemon and honey in it. Thank you, baby," you spoke softly. Roman turned and left the room. You would've laughed at your boyfriend's natural lack of hospitality, but you were too sick to do that.

You shut your eyes for a moment and got interrupted by Roman clearing his voice. You looked at the glass in his hand. He extended it to you. "When Shelley got sick, Anna got her soup. Would you like that?" your concerned boyfriend asked.

"Would you do that for me?" you pouted.

"What? Of course" he said, seeming like he took a little offense to what you just said. "I'll make you some."

"Alright, there are cans in the pantry. Make whatever kind you wish," you said as you sipped the water. You choked a little, taken aback by the amount of honey he put it in. But it was the thought that counted.

Roman left you to yourself again. You kept drinking the warm, overly-sweet water and smiled.

He came back with a white porcelain bowl in his hands. "Cream of mushroom," he said. "Shelley had it once." He handed it to you. Then he said, "No wait, I'll feed it to you. You relax." Roman carefully took the spoon and helped you finish the soup. After that, you returned to drinking the water.

"Do you take some meds with that?" he asked.

"Oh yeah, bottom drawer to the left. It's a pack of paracetamol. Thank you so much for taking care of me," you said. Roman found the medicine and gave some to you.

"Anything else?" he asked. You shook your head. "Maybe sleeping. I'm so sorry we had to cancel our date."

"Nonsense, don't be sorry. It isn't your fault. And of course I'd take care of you. You'd probably go above and beyond for me. I just don't even know what to do," Roman said as he sat by you on the bed.

"Germs," you warned.

"Don't give a fuck about them," he replied as he put his hand on your cheek. "Okay, yeah your temperature's definitely not normal. You should get some rest."

"Will you leave?" you asked, blowing and eating your soup.

"Uh, only if you want?" Roman said.

You shook your head no. "Who says you don't know how to take care of me. You've done a wonderful job. I love you."

You slid down so your head rested on the pillow. Roman began tangling his fingers into your hair and soothed you. He bent down and kissed your forehead. "I love you too. Get well soon, sweetheart. I'll be right here when you wake up."

note: short (sorry about that) but im working on writing more stories :) also, thank you to unholyvirgin27 for the ideas and for commenting. you make me smile ♡

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