a tiff

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Your eyes were shut and you lay on your side on the bed. You heard the door open and a body slide in right next to you. You didn't turn around. "Y/N," your boyfriend's voice said.

You opened your eyes and scowled. "What do you want?" You turned towards Roman to see him looking at you with sorry eyes.

"I'm sorry I yelled," he confessed.

"Okay," you said, getting up and going to the mirror to start brushing your hair.

"Sweetheart, I know I was being an idiot. You were right- we came here to take a break. I'm sorry," Roman said as he hugged your waist from behind and buried his face in your neck. You always melted when he did that, but this time, you tried ignoring him and continued to brush your hair.

"That doesn't take back my hurt feelings or frustration. You can't just yell," you crossed your eyebrows. You put the brush down, took Roman arms from around you, and left the room to go outside. Call it silly, but he needed to know raising his voice would not solve anything. It would've at least made sense if you said something bad, but you said something for his own good.

You walked to an empty low dock and sat at the edge of it. You looked at the clear sea ahead of you and felt the salty breeze hit your face and hair. There were tears in your eyes, not from sadness but frustration. This was supposed to be a perfect vacation. You were in a beautiful island resort, away from all the stress in the world. Or so you thought. It went sour when your idiot boyfriend started fighting with you over something completely unnecessary. All you said was, "Roman, stop answering all your office calls so often. The reason you're even here is to take a break."

You pulled out your phone and started to scroll through your messages to try to get your mind off of the argument. It didn't work. Then you felt a hand on your shoulder. You thought it was Roman, but instead, you were met with a man about your age. He looked alright, had a pretty toned body, and dirty blonde hair, but obviously you were taken.

"Alone?" he asked.

"Gotta clear my mind," you looked at him and gave him a tight-lipped smile, hoping he'd leave.

"Mind if I join you in your mind-clearing?" he asked.

Should you vent your anger at a stranger? You shook your head and said, "Um, I guess. I can't promise I'm going to be very chatty, though."

The man sat next to you. "Alex," he said as he extended his hand. "And you'd be?"

You sighed and shook it. "Y/N."

"Pretty name for a pretty lady," he chuckled.

"Overused, you have to be better than that," you let out a tired laugh at his lame sentence. "So Mr. Alex, what brings you here?"

"You know, chilling. I sort of took a break and started traveling," he said, dipping his feet into the clear water.

"Ah, daddy's money?" you teased, surprised how quickly he had gotten your mind off of your fight.

"I wish," Alex shook his head. "Just lots of saving and working. But this view- man it's worth it. What about you?"

"Here with my boyfriend," you said. "Just hanging out a little before he has to dive back into his life of meetings and phone calls." You wore a sad expression as you said that.

"I knew someone who looks like you wouldn't stay single. What're you doing here then? Where's he?" Alex turned his head to look around.

"You're a stranger but screw it. We just had a disagreement," you confessed, pausing the debate in your head of whether sharing this is a good idea or not.

"Common, common," Alex shook his head. His hair was all over his face because of the wind. "But that's what relationships have- ups, downs, in-betweens. Just have to work your way through them. That makes it stronger. Unless he's an absolute jerk and horrible- then ditch him and run."

"Wow, Mr. Alex, you are a wise man," you half-smiled. "Surely you must have a girlfriend?" you said with raised eyebrows.

"Maybe when I'm done traveling. But I'm all good now. Just me, this atrocious hair, and my suitcase."

You laughed at what he said. Alex and you talked for a while before he said he had to go. You thanked the stranger as you got up too. "Nice to meet you," you said.

"And you too. May our paths cross again," Alex smiled and walked away.

You went back into the room but couldn't find Roman anywhere. So you just sat on the bed again, looking through the glass-door ahead of you. The sea and its waves were crashing and new waves emerged.

You heard the door open again and rolled your eyes. Should you just let it be? You guessed so. You've been angry enough. "Roman I-'' you stopped your sentence when you turned around to see a staff member instead, pushing a trolley with plates and steel covers.

You were confused but said thank you as you lifted the covers. One plate had your favorite type of pasta, the other had your favorite dessert, and the middle on had your favorite flowers. You looked up to see Roman standing there with a sorry look and a white rose in his hand. He walked to you in long strides and kneeled in front of you. You looked at his beautiful green eyes but refrained from smiling.

"Yell back at me if you please," he said.

You shook your head. "I'm not an eye-for-an-eye type of person. And all of this wasn't really necessary." 

Roman looked at you, puzzled. "You don't like this?"

"No, silly. When I heard the door open, I assumed it was you and was about to say I forgive you and we should just let it go," you cupped your hands around your boyfriend's prominent cheekbones. "But of course, this was sweet of you to do. Thank you. I forgive you. And I understand how dedicated you are too your work. I'm proud of you for that."

Roman held up the rose to you. You accepted it, took in its beautiful scent, and put it with the other flowers. "I'm so sorry, baby. I'm such an idiot. But I ditched my phone. For the rest of this vacation, I'm focusing on us. I don't care if Pryce has an aneurysm or if his lab bursts into flames. It can wait," Roman said as he placed his hand around your face and a soft kiss on your lips. It always gave you butterflies. Always.

You kissed him back, pulled away, and said, "Okay, now the food."

"But of course," Roman shrugged and laughed. "All yours, sweetheart." You smiled at him as you enjoyed your food. Yes, Roman had his flaws, just like you did, but you wouldn't trade him for anyone else in the world. You hoped the rest of this vacation would stay like this.

roman godfrey imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora