can we keep him?

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You cradled the grey kitten in your arms and carefully stepped into your house. You could feel the little critter shivering. It was indeed very cold outside. The wind-chill this year was horrible and most of the ground was a muddy slush, occasionally getting layered by a new sheet of snow. You found this little baby on your way and couldn't help but take it home. It must have been abandoned by someone. You cursed at the stupid people who probably got their children a holiday gift and then discarded it like it was a toy.

"Hey, I got you," you whispered, looking down at the kitten. Its curious, big eyes kept shifting back and forth to get adjusted to your unfamiliar bedroom. You took off your scarf and created a circular nest with it. Then you laid the poor creature in the middle.

"Here you go, little guy. You'll be warm and toasty." The kitten lay still and later, it closed its eyes and rested.

You searched the house for knick knacks you could use as toys. You found a ball of lavender yarn, a felt mouse that you tied to a string, and some jingle bells. This would do. You got excited at the thought of an addition to your little family. Then the opposite thought struck you- you hadn't told your husband.

You decided telling Roman in the middle of work would spark unnecessary concern, so him just coming home to see for himself would be a better idea.

And that happened. He came home, calling out for you, but of course, you were too busy with the kitten. He walked into the room with disheveled hair, a stunned expression on his face, and a discarded thick black coat in his hands. He furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at the kitten who was chasing after the felt mouse. He saw you giggling.

"Y/N," he blinked his eyes.

"Yeah," you smiled and looked at him, as if today was like any other day.

"Where'd you get that?" he asked, taking steps with his long legs toward where you sat on the floor. He crouched down to meet your eyes.

"I found him on the ground," you casually told him.

"It's unsanitary, could be feral, and is extra work we don't need," Roman sighed.

"I'll get him vaccinated, bathed, and trained. I already got a litter box set up and I made an order for kitten food. Can we keep him?" you looked at your husband innocently. You hadn't committed a crime after all, just taken sympathy on a helpless little kitten.

Roman rolled his eyes and got up. "Really, Y/N, why take up so much work? Hand it over to a pet shelter or something."

"Roman!" you gasped, feeling agitated with your husband's lack of care at the animal. "He's staying here. And if you don't want him, you can leave."

You heard Roman starting to laugh. You took your eyes off the grey kitten and onto him. "What's so funny?"

"You're going to kick me out of my own room because of that?" he said as he laughed again.

"Really, Ro, it's a kitten. I didn't bring an elephant or a hippo home. It's just a kitten, and plenty of people have survived just fine-if not better- with one." After that, you ignored Roman and shook the string in a back and forth motion as the kitten tried pouncing on the felt mouse.

Roman left the room to go who knows where. You realized maybe it wasn't the best idea to just bring a pet home without his permission. After all, this was his house too. You decided you'd apologize to him. But of course, just words wouldn't do. Perhaps cooking him something nice would work.

The kitten was getting tired again so you lifted it up to where your scarf was placed. Soon enough, it did go back to sleep.

You shut the door, so it wouldn't wake up and get lost somewhere in the house. Then you went to the kitchen to make something. You cooked up a delicious honey garlic chicken, and took it to the bedroom. You hadn't heard or seen Roman the entire time you were cooking, so you assumed surely he must've gone up to take a shower or at least change his clothes.

When you opened the door, you were met with Roman sitting on your bed with an extended finger towards the kitten. The kitten tried wrapping its tiny soft paws around the finger and scratching it. Roman was smiling, looking down at a creature much, much smaller than him.

You leaned against the doorway and smiled too. You cleared your voice, and your husband turned to see you. "Uh- I was going to take a shower, and your kitten had woken up. Couldn't just, you know, leave it. It could ruin my clothes or something." He pretended to not care at all.

You chuckled at his answer and lifted the plate of food as you walked towards Roman. You set the plate down on the coffee table and sat next to your husband. You brushed a few strands of his hair out of his forehead and placed a kiss there instead. "Don't have to make excuses, Ro. You can just say you've taken a liking to him too. And why wouldn't you? He is adorable."

Roman rolled his eyes but smiled at the same time. "Fine, fine. Yeah he's alright," he said as he scratched the kitten. It purred in response.

"Well, I made you food to sort of apologize for not telling you before bringing him home. But it was so cold out and he was all alone. I couldn't leave him there to die," a concerned expression came over your face.

Roman touched your cheek with his other hand. "You really are just a complete sweetheart. Now, what should we name him?"

Your entire body perked up hearing that, and the worried face was replaced by a joyful one. "You choose. I picked the kitten, you pick the name," you said. "And after that, you can feast like a king on this," you pointed to the meal you cooked.

Roman leaned in to kiss your cheek and said, "Thank you." He then began to call out names to which you shook your head or said "maybe". You were glad he grew an attachment to the kitten you brought home. Something told you that in a few days, he'd probably be more attached to the creature than you would.

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