Part 1

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Today is your first day at a new high school. You wake up and do your daily morning routine. You eat breakfast quickly so you can be on time for the bus. You grab your bag and rush out the door.

You: Bye mom.

Y/m: Bye y/n. Have a nice day.

You: You too.

You run to the bus stop and luckily you make it on time for the bus.

Time speed.

You make it to school and when you get there you go to the front desk. A lady hands you a paper with your classes on it. You head to your first class. You open the door and immediately everyone looks at you. You stare awkwardly in response.

Teacher: Class, this is our new student. Why don't you introduce yourself?

You: Hi, I'm y/n.

Teacher: Give me your schedule.

You hand her the schedule.

Teacher: Ooo, you have all the same classes as Billie. Billie, come here!

A blue-haired girl gets up and walks towards you and the teacher.

Billie: What?

Teacher: I want you to show y/n around the school.

Billie: Why me?

Teacher: Because you both share the same classes.

Billie looks at you in an annoyed manner.

Billie: *sigh* Come on.

Billie walks out of the classroom and you follow behind.

Time speed.

After showing you around Billie takes you to a room.

Billie: This is an old classroom, but no one uses it. I just come in here to skip a class sometimes. Don't tell anyone about this room.

You: Why did you show me the room then?

Billie:  Just keep it between us.

You: Ok.

The bell rings and you both go to your next class.

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