Part 2

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Time speed

It's your lunch period and you head to your locker because you left your phone in it. You take your phone out your locker and your locker slams shut. You look over and see Billie next to you with her hand on the locker. She takes the phone out your hand and starts typing something. She gives it back and you see that she added her number in your phone. You look in the messages and sees that she texted something to herself. It was a kissy face emoji. You look up to see that she was gone. You open messages and Billie texted you.

Billie: Meet me in the secret room i showed you.

You: Why?

Billie: 😉

You go to the room confused as to why she wants you there. You look around making sure no one sees and quickly sneak in the room. As you go in you see Billie leaning against the wall on her phone. She quickly takes her attention off her phone and puts it on you. You look at her confused and she's smiling at you.

You: What?

Billie takes a couple steps towards you until shes a few feet away. You take a step back. She takes a step forward. This continues until you're against a table. She takes another step forward. Now since you can't back up anymore you sit on the table.

She walks towards you and your faces are just a few inches away from each others. At this point your heart is racing. She gets down on both her knees looking up at you.

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