Chapter 2

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Arthur's POV~

I floated up to the window, landing on the ledge. I was in the middle of a heist... this time it was that egotistical french guy Francis. Now he's one of the special FBI agents assigned to catch me, along with Kiku and that Alfred kid.

I sent Flying Mint Bunny in to undo the latch, and I was through the window in under a minute. The house was dark and quiet... I guess they still haven't figured out the clues I left them. When the group of FBI agents first started chasing after me, I started to leave them clues. I always rearrange the crime scene in order to give them a clue of where I am going to strike next... it makes the game more fun to have them closing in.

I used my magic to search the house. There was no one there, and there were no traps. I set to work, hitting the safe first. I only ever take what is in the people's safes, mainly because unlike them I'm not completely heartless. Then I went about the house, finding things that would help point to where I was going next. Then I reached into my bag and added a few things of my own. The scene was perfect.

I went downstairs and decided to help myself to a cup of tea. The view of the city and the bridge from Francis' house was amazing. You could even see some of the yellow flowers that surrounded it. I sipped my tea contentedly, and heard the door slam. Time to go.

I sighed, putting down my tea and putting on my hat. As I was climbing out the window, Alfred burst into the room with his gun. He really had changed. Our eyes met, and I felt a spark, but I shrugged it off. I flicked a gilded notecard at him, and then grinned.

Alfred ran towards me, but I slipped out the window. I ran away, my cloak billowing out behind me. I heard a thud, and realized that Alfred had followed me out the window. Time for plan B.

I ran to the center of the bridge and climbed up on the side.

"Wait!!! Quit running! We can help you!" I heard Alfred yell behind me.

"Too bad, git. I'm not insane, so I won't be going to your stupid mental asylums or what have you." I yelled back at him. It was the first time I had ever spoken, but I couldn't help it... he said that same thing every time, and it was so annoying!

"Mr. Kirkland!!!" I heard Alfred cry out, but then I dropped over the edge and teleported to the nearby rooftop. I quickly ducked down out of sight amongst the flowers.

"Dammit!" I heard Alfred exclaim. I looked over, and he was leaning over the edge of the bridge, trying to see where I had gone. Oh, this is too good an opportunity to pass up.

I reached out with my magic and made an invisible rope around him, pulling him closer and closer to falling over the edge.

"Woaaaah!" He yelled, waving his arms to try and regain his balance, but it was futile. Then Kiku and Francis ran up and grabbed him.

I released the rope and teleported home, taking my loot with me.

"C'mon, let's have some tea!" I said to Flying Mint Bunny, and he nodded in agreement.

My new home is on the underside of a cliff. Take a palace, turn it upside down, and stick it under a cliff, hanging above a long drop to crashing waves below it. That's my house. Of course, only the walls and overall shape of the house is upside down, everything else is normal. Although, my lawn chairs are hanging in the air on ropes... whatever. It's hard to find and I like it, so nothing else matters.

The only problem is the occasional suicider, but I usually transport them home before they die. It would be a mess if I was found because of a body in the surf. The body might not be found anyways, because of my one-way impenetrable mist, but I don't like death anyways.

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