Chapter 1

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Arthur's POV~

Day in, and day out. All of it was taunting, pushing, and ignoring me. When I first moved to America from England, I hated it here, so I wasn't that nice. I was mainly quiet, sitting on the far edge of the class. Then the rumors started. The kids saw me talking to the fairies, and they spread rumors that I was evil and insane. Just because I could see what they couldn't. But, let me tell you about the day I finally snapped...

It was a dreary, rainy day at Hetalia High, and it was my senior year. We were partnering up in science class to do a lab. There was only me and one other kid left... I think his name was Francis. He was arguing bitterly with the teacher about being my partner.

"I don't want to be his partner!" He had cried out, frustrated.

"Why not?! He is the validictorian!" The teacher cried back, equally frustrated. Normally, this wouldn't have happened, but my only friend, Kiku Honda, had finally gave in and left me all alone around a week prior to this.

"He's insane and evil!" Francis cried out, finally answering her. That was it.

"Stop it!!" I yelled, standing up. My classmates gasped, and scooted away from me. Someone threw a wad of paper at me, and it bounced off of my shoulder. "All of you have been so determined to make me the bad guy..." I looked down at my desk, fighting back tears.

Then I realized... I didn't really care anymore. They had been doing this to me since I moved here during 10th grade. I was 100% done with them.

"...You want a bad guy, huh? I'll give you a bad guy." I said, starting to grin. "One that is insane, evil, rotten, and nasty."

And with that, I grabbed my things, put on my black rain cloak -yes, a cloak, they were quite popular in England at the time- and left.

"Arthur Kirkland! Where do you think you're going?!" The teacher called after me. "Get back here at once!"

"Shut up, you useless git! I'm not taking orders from anyone anymore!" I shouted back at her. I enjoyed my momentary freedom.

The next day, however, the truancy officer showed up while I was packing my things. I had made a few gadgets the night before, but I decided that it wasn't the right time to use them. And so, ten minutes later, I was sitting in the principal's office, wearing a black cloak. It was slightly tattered at the ends, and underneath it I was wearing a dark green suit that was accented with black. The cloak went down to almost my ankles, and enveloped me completely when I was still. It even had a collar.

"Kirkland, what is the meaning of your outrageous behaviour?!..." The principal continued to lecture me, spit almost flying from his mouth and his face red with anger. I yawned. This was pretty boring.

"I'm sorry, am I boring you?" Hr asked sarcastically. I ignored him, and looked out the window. Nearly the entire senior year was there, watching.

"I think it's time for me to take my leave." I said, standing up.

"W-" The principal started to say, but I cut him off by pulling out a red playing card. I flicked my wrist, and it cut through the wires conected to his computer. They burst into flames, and I dropped a special powder on it.

Thr room filled with thick, gray smoke so fast that the windows blew out of the wall to allow it to escape. I put a different card on the chair behind me, and then I jumped out of the empty window frames. I used a spell to teleport home right when I touched the ground, and then I finished getting my stuff and left into the woods.

So, that's the story of how I snapped. And now, I've been robbing all the kids from my class blind... especially the bullies and now-criminals. I donate most of the money, but I keep enough to live on. Probably the best part about this job is that the police join in and try to catch me. They've gotten pretty close, too.

What was the other card I keft for them? Well, other than the fancy border, it said this:

Goodbye, hell.

~Mr. Kirkland


I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I do good? See ya later, my fluffies!

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