Chapter 3

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Alfred's POV~

There was no doubt about it. It had to be Arthur. "They sound exactly alike, guys. It can't be a coincidence."

"You know, you could be mistaking him for someone else who is british. And, even though we've seen him, we've never seen his face. It's always in shadow no matter what we do." Francis said.

"He has a point, Alfred-san." Kiku spoke up.

"Fine... but I still want everyone to be there when you meet him. Just in case." I said.

"If it will make you feel better." Kiku said.

Arthur's POV~
At the restaurant

I sat waiting at the table for Kiku. All I have to do before leaving is do something - anything - that would hint at me being Mr. Kirkland. I still can't believe he couldn't remember my last name.

"Hello, Arthur-san!" Kiku said as he sat down. I didn't even notice him walk up.

"Hello, Kiku. You haven't changed a bit." I grinned at him.

We continued making small talk, until we got to the day when I had supposedly died in the explosion in the principal's office.

"How did you escape that? Why? And where did you go?" Kiku pestered me.

"All I did was slip out before the smoke cleared. It wasn't that hard." I laughed back. It was more or less the truth.

"Well, that's amazing, Arthur-san. Why were you there, though?" Kiku persisted. "You were a model student. The validictorian, even!"

"Don't you remember, Kiku?" I frowned at him. "I was the insane, creepy, evil villain."

"Oh... I remember now. You finally snapped the say before the explosion." Kiku said sadly.

"Enough with the past! Let's talk about the present." I said cheerfully. "What are you doing nowadays?"

"I work for the FBI. Simple paperwork, but still fun. How about you, Arthur-san?" Kiku answered.

"Oh... I procure items from various people. It's quite the tricky job." I replied, and he frowned. "What's wrong, Kiku?"

At that point, Alfred and the others burst through the door. I grinned.

"Ah, looks like I've been found out. See you later, Kiku." I said, curling a magic rope around him with a spell.

"Arthur-san!" Kiku said, and he tried to get up, but the invisible rope held fast.

I flicked a red card across the room, and it hit the lightswitch. Everything went dark, and people started screaming. I ran to the door, and opened it. As the light flooded in, I used a spell to make myself look like Alfred, and started shouting at the citizens to get out. They rushed towards me, andI could hear the real agents shouting over the stampede of people. They were veey confused about there being two Alfreds. I went to leave as well, but once the door closed, I turned to be faced by the gun of the real Alfred. He stared me down over the gun, confused yet grim. It was kind of cute.

"What is this? Why do you look like me?" He asked.

I grinned in response, and my eyes flashed back to green as my cloak appeared around me along with my hat. Alfred gasped, but I didn't stuck around. I almost immediatly teleported away, leaving a storm of rose petals and a card that said:

Tell Kiku that he's a filthy deserter. See you soon!
~ Mr. Kirkland

I hope you liked the update, and sorry for the wait! See ya later, my fluffies!

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2015 ⏰

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