- t h r e a t -

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• s i x t e e n •

Taylor's bare body was warm against her skin.

The white duvet covering them both after another night of love making, which had become almost the usual after their paradise on the beach.

The girl with the blue ponds was already fast asleep, her breathing rhythmic and steady.

She was lying on Karlie's chest, an occasional hot breath hit her breast and she smiled.

She liked this.

But as much as she tried to avoid it, and stay in a world with just herself and the lovely girl, her mind lingered to the other day, at the restaurant.

. . .

Josh's tight grip on her shirt, and with gritted teeth, he spoke with a tone full of venom.

"Just where do you think you've been, my love?"

Karlie struggled against his touch, scraping against his arm hard with her nails. Her neck being pressured by his fingers.

"Let me fucking go, Josh. Stay away from me!"

Her breath erratic, she could feel her blood boil as his voice sounded through her ear.

"Now now, baby. Don't be rude to me if you know it doesn't end well. I've missed you."

He spat out a cold laugh, and threw Karlie away from him.

The brunette attempted at fixing herself, and brushed away his touch on her.

"What do you want?"

All her anger was thrusting out of her.

Josh smirked and bit his lip.

He walked close to her, hand resting on her cheek and tapping it threateningly.

"It's time to come home baby. You've had enough fun. I'm losing my cash on you while you've been off frolicking with your little- how could I say this...dyke?"

At the end of his words, Karlie pushed him away, her patience running low.

"Don't you dare call her that if you want to keep that smart mouth of yours, you fucking asshole."

Letting out another laugh, he shook his head and looked down at Karlie, vengeance in his eyes.

"That's more naughty points for Karlie. Goodness," he stroked his facial hair and pulled a sideways smile, "if only you knew."

The girl's hands where in a tight grip by her sides, her heart was beating quickly. She knew the things Josh did, and she was scared.

Not letting him see her fear, she rose her voice.

"Get to the point, I don't have the time to waste on a disgrace like you."

Josh pretended to be offended.

"My, my. Karlie -you're so bad lately, I don't know what could possibly make up for punishment."

He lifted a finger and touched her nose, pushing her away.

"Oh, wait! I know. Taylor."

Karlie's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, her stomach turned inside.

"That's right, my love. I've got you good. I've been filled with requests from agencies asking where the hell you've been. As a responsible manager, it's my duty to call you back to work. So, do me a favor and end it with your little feline-loving dyke, and walk down a runway to make me some money."

Karlie scoffed.

"You're insane. I'm not coming back, I'm done with you. If I go back to modeling it will be with someone else, and with Taylor behind me."

With a stern voice, Josh attempted at keeping calm.

"Don't you forget you signed a contract with me, that blonde scum shouldn't of taken you back anyways."

"I want you on a plane to Paris by tonight, if you fail- well, let's just say your pretty girl will be very, very upset at something you've done."

The brunette shook her head, not believing Josh at doing something that would imply falsification of her actions.

"Fuck off, Josh. Taylor wouldn't believe anything that doesn't come from my lips."

Josh raised his brows.

"Oh, really? Hm. I guess we'll find out won't we? Besides, you've already betrayed her once, who says it won't happen again and she won't believe it?"

"Would she believe you Karlie?"

Karlie's throat tightened. She knew this was true, but she couldn't let it happen again. It couldn't.

"...and may I remind you, the first time was all you baby. I guess you liked green faces on paper more than you like her too. Just like me."

With that, Josh stuck a slip of paper into Karlie's hand. Which she welcomed with rejection, and ripped in half tossing it to the ground.

"Karlie, Karlie. The address to meet me at is on there, I expect you there no later than nine thirty. Tonight."

Before turning to leave, he threatened closely.

"If you fail, well. Don't come crying back to me later. Make a wise choice, hopefully like last time."

. . .

Returning from her thoughts, she held Taylor's body close to her.

Her heart beat fastening in her chest and her doubts stirring.

She was scared, she didn't want Taylor to be taken away from her she didn't.

Her Taylor wouldn't believe anything against her, she wouldn't. They knew each other and trust would never lack no matter who came along.

Karlie thought it was a good idea to drive as far away from New York as possible, for now she wanted to avoid it, but she knew she couldn't for long.

She didn't appear for Josh, no plane to Paris. Nothing.

Now she was just left with anguish, and had to make sure her love was by her side.

She held her close and kissed her forehead many times out of panic, shutting her eyes tight.

Karlie felt the blue eyed girl groan in laziness and smile against her kisses.

Exhaustedly, she heard Taylor mutter half asleep.

"Love you so much..."

And she fell silent again, back into a world where she didn't know what was coming.

Karlie felt small tears pool at her green embers.

She didn't want to let this go.

Everything was such a risk, she knew Josh had unexpected ways of changing things.

And change they would.


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