- m e n a c e -

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• t w e n t y - o n e •

Lena held on to the girl tight.

Gentle palms stroked her back, attempting to calm the fury of her sorrow.

Against her chest, she could feel Taylor tremble as she let out loud sobs.

Sharp intakes of breaths, caused her to shake as she out took them.

It was a desperate cry, hands balled into fists against Lena's shirt. Her hot breaths fogging up the sentiments.

Taylor couldn't breathe, she was drowning.

Every ounce of her being was hurting.

Her palms were throbbing from holding them closed for so long, finger tips red.

She just couldn't breathe, it was as if every breathe she tried passing, wouldn't work.

Her lungs were burning for oxygen, to be free from all the wounds.

Heart beating fast, it felt so close to coming out of her chest.

Taylor wanted that, she wanted someone to come by, rip it out and get it away from her as far as possible.

Living like this was hell.

Now it all made so much sense, she replayed Cara's words over and over again in her mind.

Karlie never lied.

Time when she heard it, she sobbed harder.

Karlie had never betrayed her, she had betrayed Karlie.

Not having trusted her words, accusing her of the wrong. Taylor felt dirty.

She took it all back.

She wanted to go back to that day, and believe Karlie, hold her tight.

This time, if not the last, Taylor had ruined it.

She didn't want to imagine how Karlie felt.

Not having your great love not believe in your words must be a nightmare.

This was all her fault, she wanted to die.

This was the least she deserved.

"Taylor, I'm so sorry."

Pulling back, Taylor ran her fingers through her hair, and tugged the ends as hard as she could, so it could hurt.

"I fucking ruined it, I ruined it all."

Lena stayed quiet, letting the woman be free with her emotions, not wanting to pressure her.

"This was all my fault," almost losing her balance, she caught herself on the arm of a black couch, Lena tending to her side, "if I had just believed her, and not been so fucking full of pride. I wouldn't of lost her."

Wrapping an arm around Taylor's small figure, she cooed.

"There, Taylor. Stop blaming yourself so much for this. You know it's okay to make mistakes-"

"Lena! This isn't a fucking mistake! Karlie is gone, because of me. I'm the mistake. If I just, given her a chance to explain."

Taylor shook her head violently, refusing to accept the fact that everything had gone to waste, all becase of her.

"Tay, please calm down, you being like this isn't going to help you at all."

Lena attempted at hugging Taylor, only to be abruptly pushed away.

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