- s o l a c e -

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• t w e n t y - e i g h t •

Both girls held Taylor in their arms, stroking her back gently and rocking her silently as she wept those rain drops from her heart.

Taylor's eyes were sore and burned when she closed them, but she didn't know what else to do, this was the last chance she had with Karlie, but it was over.

Too quickly, she came all the way for her just for a goodbye. It just wasn't fair.

She realized she made a mistake but she apologized for it and Karlie didn't take it, just like she did when it was her in that place.

But the mere thought of that certain goodbye, made her life fucking hurt.

Everything up to this point seemed useless, their entire relationship had gone to shambles.

All those memories would live in her mind forever and there was no way she could erase them, they would play in her mind like a book, and now even more.

The nights events played in her mind as she lied in Lena's comforting arms, she was sure her sleeve was now damp and wrinkled from her sadness.

Lena gently tapped her back, while Cara occasionally brushed a strand of hair back from her face, neither girl felt the need to ask, they could already imagine.

"Tay, it's okay she - she doesn't even deserve you at all okay?"

The brunette said breaking the silence, with a dull and exhausted voice, Taylor pondered.

"No, Lena. It's me who doesn't deserve her, I didn't give her a chance when she asked for it. Who am I to ask for one back?"

Before she could respond, Cara broke in.

"Wait so, she just totally blew you off like that?"

Taylor simply nodded and stayed quiet, she didn't want to remember, although it kept playing in her mind restating what Karlie had told her hurt even more when it was recited.

"Yeah well, Karlie might be my friend but you Taylor, you are my D-List stylist and there is no way you came all the way from New York just to be blown off by someone's pride!"

Stepping off from the great bed, Cara slipped on a sweater and her shoes, readying herself to leave. She had a plan.

"Where are you going at this hour?! Can't you see she needs us with her right now?"

Lena watched her with furrowed brows, confused as to where she was going.

"Yeah I know, but she needs Karlie more. I'll be back."

"Cara wait-"

By the time Taylor tried to object, Cara had already well slammed the door and left.

She gave a sigh and plopped herself back against Lena's chest.

Her blue eyes had dried but her eyes still felt strained, tired and heavy.

"Karlie's right Lena. This is over. Look at this place," Taylor gestured with her hand to the glamour around them, "I don't belong here."

"Karlie does, she's a model now and she has a future set here, I don't. I belong not even in New York. I just need to her back down from this stupid cloud that keeps giving me false hopes. I need to stop loving so easily."

Lena simply stayed quiet, she knew Taylor's tired mind was making her be much more of a pessimist than she usually was, heartbreak never did anybody well.

After Taylor's voice quieted down, Lena felt her breathing much more steady.

She had fallen asleep.

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