Chapter 7: The Periculo Praemium

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So I learned something today. Kaolin aka very thinly made clay, & sometimes bone, is what you'd call Fine China back on Earth. It's the same material as Porcelain which is made of pure Kaolin Clay but made stronger and more durable. So now you know why Kaolin is worth more, it's fragile and more fancy. Oh don't mind us, We were currently just doing a bit of shopping in Javelin Hill before we head to Anchorside Port, There is at least one more small town of Marlowe along the way. We're just also enjoying my little spoils of war that I got. I've actually been getting idea with Zanera's help. Using my fire magic & her Earth magic, we melt down my stolen loot and reshape it into money we can spend it without having to worry about trouble later.

Our adventure truly begins just a little while after we left town. Given our load handled by me with the infinity pouch I have, Tian creates uses her nap sack to carry our new little friend around. "Tis a very generous thing you've agreed to do Tian. Raising a child, especially a dragon, will be quiet the responsibility. I do hope you know what you're doing." Zanera says.

"I do. In actually where I come from, my people have raised dragons. Not of this breed naturally, but the principle is the same. I've helped raised a couple to be able to capable of being self reliant. Though we shall see if I have a pet or a child when it hatches." She explains.

"How will you know?" I ask.

"If our little one here is like the Blue Dragons, they will be mature enough in their humanoid form, they'll be like grown human adults, though sometimes taking on child like forms too. However if the hatchling comes out like you would expect a baby reptile, then I have a pet." She explains.

" even newborn welplings are considered adults but human standards? That's crazy." I say in shock.

"To us humans yes. But keep in mind, dragons are ancient creatures that live for ages, some are considered immortal just like the elves. The Elder we spoke to was probably centuries old. Some dragons sleeps for many years and consider that a light nap." Tian continues.

"Where are you from exactly? I don't think you mentioned it before." I ask being the curious stranger that I am.

"Arashinokuni, it means Land of the Storms. If you recall there are the 3 tribes. 3 separate large island connected by a hidden landmass bellow, each tribe of Ame (Rain), Sandā (Thunder), & Raitoningu (Lightning) all live in a harmony with a center island called Niji (Rainbow) where the place of our 3 sacred treasures were placed, the Sword of Drop Slicer, the Mirror of Echo, & the Jade Bolt jewel." Tian explains.

"Sounds pretty cool." I complement.

Tian giggles a bit, "Yes, it is a lovely place. "What about you Seth, what is your home like, now that you remember."

"Oh, well...I'm from a city called Ann Arbor, my sister & I live in two separate apartments, outside of the big town areas where it's quiet. The country it's a part of the called the United States of America. We're a unity of 50 states that comprise up the land. And while we don't always live up to this ideal, we try to call ourselves the Land of the Free & Home of the Brave." I explain.

"And in your world you said people like me, and other races like Dwarves are fictional?" Zanera repeats.

"Yeah, I mean, there's this whole science study in the believe of creatures that may or may not from lost dinosaurs that some how managed survive ages from the prehistoric times, to supernatural monsters that suddenly appeared one day, to even aliens from other worlds. But yeah mostly it's just us humans." I explain.

"I would like to hear one of your stories about us sometime." Zanera requested.

"Well...I can't really think of anything related to elves at the top of my head. But thanks to our new friend, I do remember one legend from my world about a dwarf that became a dragon." I revealed.

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