Chapter 1: Something strange washed ashore

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My head aches with pain, my eyes filled with darkness, and my hands were filled with something hot. I opened my eyes to find myself on a beach, where was I? How did I end up here? I can barely remember anything. All I had on me were my clothes and a ring with what I assume is my name. Seth it read on the inside it was silver with an icy light blue gem in the middle of it. Gathering my strength, I picked myself up from the sand. How strange my clothes weren't mangled yet I wonder how well I will be blending in should I find a town or if I'm merely alone. Heading towards the forest area, I walked down what was clearly a path. I have found a small yet peaceful valley and a farm. What luck now I can find out where I am, and hey where there's a farm, there's a farmer, and if there's a farmer there's a farmer's daughter.

Of course that kind of thinking can get me killed so I think I'll stick to finding out what's going on. Heading into the house I politely knock on their wooden door. There is no response. I tried again a little harder in hopes that maybe this time they would hear. Still no response, they must not be home, great.

"Can I help you young sir?" I quickly turned around to meet a young girl of the age of 14 blond hair and blue eyes dressed in rather plain looking clothes. They looked like a home made brown pants & a dark green top.

"Yeah, can you tell me where I am?" I asked nicely.

"Are you lost? Well then obviously you're at my home but you don't look like you're from around here if you beg your pardon."

This was bothering me; clearly I'm not near the city. Plus the way she looked at my outfit I could tell she never seen black sneakers or blue jeans before."I'm sorry I'm a bit lost. I woke up on a beach not far from here and I must have hit my head or something because I can't remember anything at all."

Feeling a little concern for me she shook her head, "Sounds like you are in a spot of trouble then. You are in the Country of Gareokal, in the kingdom of Kevindor." Now I was sure I was not in the right place. I never heard of any of those places. It then occurs to me that whatever I had forgotten was anything and possibly everything about myself with sole exception of my name.

She then asks, "What's your name sir?"

Not wanting to be rude I said, "My name is Seth or so I think it was on my ring so I assume it is."

She looked at me funny but shrugs, "Well my name is Mary." We shook hands and sat down in the middle of one of her fields. She explains to me that she lives with her father, and together they raise cows for milk and can grow corn. She told of how nice their king, King Victor Welton, was and how he takes great pride in protecting his kingdom. She also informed me of how her father is a knight on call when needed.

Slowly I pieced the puzzle together. I had somehow possibly landed in some kind of medieval world but to what kind I have no idea. Nevertheless I need a way to restore my memories and find a way home. But for now I must settle on finding the bare essentials if I'm going to live that long.

"Father will be home for dinner. Would you like to meet him? I can explain everything, perhaps he can help you find your way." She offers.

I smiled weakly, "Sadly I doubt it; I have a feeling after what little I've learned from you I'm a very long way from home but it's a start. Thank you for your kind offer."

I decide to keep my off-world origins to myself for now and merely say that I'm from afar. Also I decided to help her out with her chores around the farm and house. After all, if I plan to stay the night I should earn my keep. I don't have any money on me and even if I did I doubt what I use is the same. I admit my body wasn't used to the back breaking labor a farm has to offer but I endured to try and ease Mary's troubles.

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