Chapter 2: If you can't stand the heat get out the volcano

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A few days went by after the festival. I already signed my name in the Adventurer's log book with a flourish, as I was instructed. And signed the list to let them know that I too was going to join up for the quest.

"I'm glad you are going Seth the Stranger, because I could use your help. Almost everyone who plans to attempt it has already left." Zelmar says.

"Yeah that's one the down side I didn't think through. I don't have a boat." I admitted face palming a bit.

"Well as it so happens, I have a transport that will take us there." Zelmar reveals.

"Whoa As in you want to go too?" I ask.

"Of course, it was my intention to find someone who could help me take the Fire Jewel. Delton would but he has other important matters to attend to. Not to mention a girl who has caught his eye to teach. Thanks by the way, I was starting to worry about him, too many wizards like myself forget the comforts of a woman, being lost in our studies." He explains.

" offense sir's gonna be a dangerous climb for even a young guy like me. And we already got like 20 of them going after it. I mean hey I'm all for a team effort but the reward is for only one person. I wouldn't put it past some of them to make us have an 'unfortunate accident' just so they can get it." I reason.

"I'm well aware of the risks involved. Pyrometheus is very dangerous however there is one advantage we have, my age also comes with wisdom." He reveals.

"You know where the jewel is hidden." I whisper, piecing things together. He nods.

"The Fire Ruby is not the only treasure on the island but it is the most valuable. It is a magical artifact however what its true nature is we don't know." Zelmar explains.

"Lovely, if this turns out to be some kind of demonic artifact that will spell doom I'm blaming you." I snarked.

"Hahah, I don't think it is anything like that. Trust me if it was you'll know the moment you see it even a regular person like you will be able to tell." He laughs.

Well at least we're in good spirits. And hey give the old man credit he actually got us a decent boat. I mean it ain't a luxury liner but it ain't no row bow either. It's a decent sailing vessel and I feel like a swashbuckling pirate on here. It will take us about 2 days there 2 days back give or take a few hours and if the wind is with us. And according to his predictions it will be. I so wish I could use magic. But that's the price I pay for being born from another world that doesn't have it. I'm both a little excited and nervous at the same time. We have no idea what we'll run into once we reach Pyrometheus island, Zelmar explains that from what he's learned our biggest threat is the Volcano itself. And we'll know if we're too late to get the Fire Jewel because legend says that anyone who dares to steal it the Fire God of the island will sink the whole place in anger. So if it's not there we'll know for sure, and if we do steal it we've got to move fast back to the boat and get the hell out. Either way that island is not long for this world.

As we talked he explained a bit more about the world I'm in. Yes in true fantasy fashion, there are such things as Elves, dragons, orcs...if you played any RPG game that's what I'm in for. I also gave Zelmar an update about my most recent dream. I'm quite convinced that the voice belongs to a little sister of mine. But sadly I can't think of her name or anything else. Zelmar has to admit my clockwork heart is rather impressive, the closest he could think of that would know how to make one are the Gnomes or Goblins, they are the most technologically advanced with steam as their main power source. But to replace an organ of mine and have me live in such a fashion that is truly unique. I would be grateful for the fact that I don't have to worry about having a heart-attack again if it weren't for the fact that it was done without my knowledge and at what cost? I mean outside of my memories.

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