Chapter 3: A Clerical Error

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Zelmar and I are setting off to see, King Victor in Justrium the Capital of Kevindor, North East of here. Very far north east. Far to regular East will be the direction I'll be heading near Pearl Mountain to Carendorei the High Elven Kingdom. Now the thing is we do have a few towns & cities in between here and there, but since we're kind of in a hurry to in form the king of what is going on, Zelmar has called for his reliable transport a magic carpet. Now the reason why he couldn't use the magic carpet to fly us to Lokai island is because he was sure exactly what to expect on that island as there are things that can negate magic and would turn it into an ordinary rug. Also as much I would like it, I sadly won't be borrowing his magic carpet forever since he obviously needs more than I do. However he's hoping that with a bit of persuasion and maybe some gold he'll be able to score me a mount. Thankfully once we reach Justrium the hike to Carendorei will be much easier.

Hard to believe I got to fly and sleep on a magic carpet. Since we flew the trip was an overnighter. Justrium was big, and there sitting on top the hill looking down above it all was Justrium Castle. Cast in large light gray bricks with gold & brass details. The guards let me pass without so much a word once Zelmar convinced them I was with him. Zelmar quickly lead me to the throne room where we were soon greeted by King Victor Sindall, he was tall man, blue eyes & brown hair with a full beard wearing a traditional golden crown though it was less ordinate than what I would've imagined. Dressed in a royal blue fancy shirt with brown pants.

I bowed in respect to him as Zelmar spoke, "My liege, we have returned, this is Seth the Stranger, he is the adventurer I hired to acquire the Fire Ruby on the forgotten island."

"We are delighted to hear that. May I see it?" Victor requests reaching out his hand. I dug it out and handed to him. He held it in his hand gazing at it for a moment closing his fist around it and closing his eyes, "Hmm...warm to the touch. Even for a norm like myself, I can tell there is great magic tied to it Zelmar."

"Yes, however I must apologize my King, the stone must go with Seth. It is no mere gemstone, it is the Fire Ruby of Vulcanus and Seth has been named the Champion of Fire. He has been tasked by the Prime Elementals to revive Lady Ether." Zelmar explains.

Victor's eyes widen in surprise opening his hand and returned the stone, "I see. You seem rather young and new to this boy. What is your class?"

I gulped a bit hesitating to answer but a look of reassurance from Zelmar told me it was okay, "Pardon my Lord, I'm a rookie spy, learning to be skilled in the ways of stealth."

The king's face turned serious with a raise eyebrow, "I see. You might be surprised to know that I'm aware of your kind. I warn you, should you practice your trades in this city and are caught you will be dealt with the full extent of the law."

I nod, "Fear not my king, I seek not to take from the innocent. It is merely the only skillset I can master, I sadly lack the strength to be a fighter, and while I have Vulcanus's blessing of fire magic...I doubt that will last forever."

"Where will you be heading next?" He asks.

"I'm to meet with Princess Zanera of the High Elves, she is to be chosen as Geogaia's champion." I explain.

King Victor grimaced, "Hmm...that task will prove to be difficult, few see Zanera herself, and her court has more influence. The High Elf court is very proud and dislikes outsiders & humans such as yourself. Zelmar, are you accompanying him?"

"Alas my King, would that I could. But I am needed here. I'd send my Grandson along but he too has other priories, including a girl that caught his eye." the wizard explains.

The king sighs, "In that case I shall personally see to it that you are at least given an audience. I shall insist that they allow you to speak to her."

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