Chapter 4: Royal Problems

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I'm glad & proud of Gingerbread for her efforts, she is living up to her title of being exceptionally fast even with the armor & me weighing her down she isn't being slowed down at all. In fact I make a point to get her a nice treat when we finally get Carendorei. gosh is it beautiful! Now THIS is a city! Tall buildings with spires, fine marble walls with golden leave patters, huge floating crystals it's amazing! Lots of things look expensive & magical. Even the High Elves are nice to look at. For the longest while I've seen just humans & monsters who wanted me dead. Closest I got to a mystical being who wasn't like that was Vulcanous & Zelmar.

Naturally there were a few who were surprised to see me & not just because I'm wearing my Earth Clothes. No doubt that a Human is an odd surprise for them too. "Excuse me Miss?" I ask a passing by woman.

"I'm looking for a Magic School. Somewhere I can learn Fire Magic?" I ask nicely.

"*Back off human! There's nothing for you here. How did the guards let you pass anyway?" She say with a malicious tone in her voice. Recoiling herself away from me, even though I wasn't touch her at all, just waving hi.

"Okay then I'll take that as no." I said to myself. Yeah I didn't understand a word she just said because she was speaking Elven. Oh don't worry I'll translate for you so you aren't as lost as I am. Zelmar & King Victor said this kind of thing would happen. I'm speaking Common Tongue in case you're curious. However I wasn't the only one.

"Looking for a magic school kid?" One Elven man asked as he greeted me with a tip of his hat.

"Yes please." I nod.

"Come with me. I know a good place for ya. I apologize for the cold reception. There are some High Elves who aren't as friendly to humans such as yourself." He explains as he lead the way.

"So I've been told." I roll my eyes. Now while this guy is being nice and he does in fact lead me to the Mage Guild School as promised, I was not so careless to not keep my one hand at the ready. Now that might sound rude but I as a new rogue & was a city boy back home, am not so innocent to know many tricks & traps that people can use to rob me blind or straight up murder me. It pays to be prepared after all.

Which is why I'm enrolling in some Adventuring classes to learn some Fire Magic. I mean yeah as the Champion of Fire I already have fire magic but I know only a handful of tricks. Plus I want to learn how to control it so I don't set myself on fire and burn to death. Now there are three kinds of ways to do learn magic or at least that I've kind of figured out. And it depends on what kind of life you got going on. There's naturally the academic way aka go to school and don't stop until you graduate. There's the improvise adventurer way, learning spells and mentally train along the journey which many do. And then there's the combination of the two, learn as you go but feel free to stop by the magic school every so often to train. That's what I'm doing and lucky for me there are a few elves & humans willing to teach me.

Now I'm gonna give you an abridged version of what I learned for two reasons. One: This is gonna take a while and I don't want to bore you. And two: Something more interesting is going on while I'm taking my classes. But first, Magic 101: Magic is personal power meaning a great deal of what you do and how you act can and will effect it. Fire magic is especially dangerous because it feeds on my passion and my rage. So yeah a lot of pyromancers are angry and like to throw their temper and just burn things until the problem stops being a problem. Now while I am a Pyromancer, I do have access to other kinds of magic. Not a lot mind you, in theory I could possibly branch out from fire to use other elemental magic but considering my origins that might not be doable. Oh well can't have everything. Although I do admit now that I think about it, knowing fire magic does seem counter productive to being a thief. Which is why I just learned the ability to steal the fire from torches & candles so I can basically put them out without burning myself and make the room darker. He he. What? Are you really surprised at this point?

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