(Part Three)

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"Hey, mom."

"Hi, sweetpea! Your hair is getting so long!" Her mother, Kaede's, melodic voice chimes from the phone, cooing at Chizue and holding the screen far closer to her face than necessary. Chizue's smile is bashful as she readjusts the phone, propping it up against the fruit bowl. She then grabs the piping bag again and continues icing the cookies. "You think it is?"

"Much longer than I could ever handle! Aw, I remember when you got a bob when you were eleven, and you were all 'I could never handle having long hair, who cares if it's pretty, it's a hassle'! And now here you are... You do look so pretty though!"

"I don't remember this..." Chizue drones. She continues outlining the cat-shaped cookies in a thin line of mint-colored icing, readjusting the bag in her hand. She hears her mother hum. "So what are you up to, sweetpea?"

"I'm frosting some cookies."

"For a friend? Is it someone's birthday?"

"It's for a friend but, ah, it's not his birthday..."

Her mother goes silent and Chizue curiously looks up. She sees her mother is holding Fritz up to the camera, gently lifting up his paw up in a waving gesture. "Chi-chan is making cookies shaped like you~!" The gray cat meows tiredly. Her mother continues, "Not for you, though! Not kitty food! They're for a boy!"

A small hint of a smile splits Chizue's lips. While filling the remaining surface of the cookie with frosting, her mother clears her throat and lowers Fritz. "So, Chi-chan... I know this may seem obvious, but-"

"Be safe?"

"...Yes. Boys around your age can be a bit... er, tricky. Some are willing to do anything just for one fun night, you know? Don't get- don't get your hopes up, okay? Don't get hurt."

"I won't, mom... thanks for looking out for me, though."

"I trust you with this since you were never one to be boy-crazy... like your dear mother once was, haha! Ah, I was such a fool..."

That last part held more meaning than most would expect. Throat tightening, the piping tip hovers over the cookie, hesitant. Chizue glances up at the screen, but she doesn't see her mom's face, the camera facing the ceiling now. "Mom...?"

"Oh, yes, dear? Sorry, sorry... I'm so easily distracted! Anyway, um, about this boy! You're making him cookies? Going on a date today?"

"We're not dating, we're just hanging out."

"Oh, good! So I was worrying over more than I needed to... still, be careful. Being alone with a boy... sometimes they can act nice at first, but you never know..."

"Mom, I know..." Her mother's concern still tugged at her heart. She didn't want to think that Shin could be a bad person, but it was safer for her to not assume, even if it didn't seem possible.

"Right, right... well, honey, tell your roomie I say hi and I hope you two are eating well." She wondered if Sayaka could hear from her room. "But I'll be going now and leave you be. Gonna go for a jog with some of my gal-pals!"

"Sounds nice, enjoy yourself. Drink water."

"I should be telling you that! Bye~!" Her mother wiggles her fingers at the camera before disconnecting the call. Chizue relaxes, returning to her work on the cookies in fresh silence.

Her mother was always very sweet, always worrying about her and not wanting Chizue to make the same mistakes she made when she was young. She had also taught Chizue almost everything she knew today, and the woman would be forever grateful for that. She had hoped that, once she could open up a cafe of her own, she would be able to afford to pay her back tenfold.

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