(Part Four)

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Shin and Chizue sat side by side on a wooden bench, shoulders flush against each other as they take comfort in each other's body heat to fight against the cold. Chizue held tightly to her bowl of curry udon, enjoying the warmth emanating from the bowl, and instead watches shin eat from the corner of her eyes as she relaxes. He realizes he's being watched and goes frigid. Noodles still hanging out of his mouth, he slurps up the rest and wipes his sleeve across his face. He turns away. "W-What?"

"It's nice to see you're eating. You've already been looking a bit better..."

"Have I...?" She sees him swallow. He pulls up his scarf, bringing it up to his nose and returning his attention forward. "So... what next?"

"What next...?" She repeats to herself under her breath as her gaze sweeps the streets. "I mean, we could head home if you're getting tired."


She gives him a subtly baffled look. If Chizue was honest, she thought Shin would jump at the opportunity to go home, seeming like the type to rather enjoy just relaxing at home. From his poor posture and feeble physic, it seemed rather obvious that he spent most of his time indoors, likely hunched in front of a computer. After all, she did hear him typing on the phone...

But despite his preferences... he seemed to be enjoying himself. Her confidence swelled just a bit. She gives him a soft smile. "Well..." Eyes sweeping the streets, she spots white sparkling lights way down the road that surrounded an ice rink. She could barely make out Christmas music, as well as the laughter and squeals from the ones skating across the ice. "Ice-Skating?"

She sees Shin stiffen from her peripherals. He eyes the ice rink, slim fingers toying with the fringe of his scarf as he hesitates. "Ah... I can't... legs are a bit sore, y'know?"

"Oh? They're sore?" Shin visibly flinches when Chizue leans forward, scrutinizing him with wide, concerned eyes. "From what? You should have told me... I never would have forced you to walk with me all this time..." She trails off, tilting her head. After watching her for a second, Shin exhales, his breath forming a wisping cloud in the cold air, before turning his attention away. "I didn't mind walking, but skating may be a bit much for uh, for now... my legs are just sore from a jog I did yesterday."

"You jog?" The quiet skepticism in her voice did not go unnoticed by Shin, who gives her a crooked smile. "Haha, you're so surprised... it's hard to not take offense."

Chizue sips the curry in her bowl. "It's just a bit... cold and slippery for jogging, is it not?"

"Well, some might say it's the best time to jog... during winter."

"Hmm..." Chizue could tell he was lying. The shift in his tone, the lack of eye-contact... his physic, as well as the pale complexion he had that rarely saw the sun for long periods of time, also served as sufficient proof. She didn't mind if he wasn't particularly strong or athletic, because she hadn't been active herself in years, but she didn't understand why he would lie about something like that right now. She murmurs, mouth still against her bowl. "Well, I'm not one to exercise anymore... but... props to you for making the effort, Tsukimi-san."


The uncomfortable silence hangs heavy in the air, and Chizue didn't want to keep it long. "So, if you don't want to ice-skate, which is understandable... do you want to just sit here and chat? Oh, and..." Placing her food beside her on the bench, she reaches into her bag and grabs out the container of cookies, "We can enjoy dessert while we're at it?"

Shin's eyes visibly sparkle and she smiles at the reaction. He gently takes the box of cookies from her hands and curiously pops open the lid. Chizue spots the corner of his smile peek out of his scarf. "I see you have a, uh... special cookie here."

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