(Part Six)

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Shin was comedically quick to answer the door when he heard knocking, and when he saw Chizue beaming at him from the other side, he couldn't help but smile himself. She lifts a fist, presenting the grocery bag in hand, before tilting her head. "You don't mind if I borrow your kitchen, do you?"

"Oh? No, not at all, go ahead."

"Great. I hope you're hungry... what's Christmas without a good feast, right?" She hums as she kicks off her shoes at the front door. Shin politely takes her coat and she nods her head in thanks before heading inside, making a beeline for the kitchen and setting the bag down on the counter. Shin follows behind and peeks over her shoulder curiously. "So... what are you making?"

Chizue is quick to turn, back facing the bag, with one hand on her hip and the other on the counter surface. Flashing a grin, her head tilts. "If you can guess what I'm making, I'll give you your Christmas present early."

Shin wasn't sure why her words made heat nip at his cheeks and ears. His hand creeps up his neck and his fingers toy with the hair at the back of his neck. "Uh... s... soup?"

Her smile widens and she reaches into the bag and smacks down another container. "I wasn't quite sure what to get you for Christmas, so I just made you more cookies."

Every time Shin opened up the packages of food she gave him, it was like opening buried treasure. He found little gingerbread men in the red and green dotted Tupperware, all donning frosted on clothes and white chocolate eyes. Shin's eyes land on a gingerbread man that had a scarf and beanie iced onto it, and when he pulls it out carefully, Chizue lets out a small chuckle. "Aha, you found it. I couldn't help it, sorry, sorry."

Shin didn't respond, speechless. He noticed that the linework of the icing was perfect, straight, even, unbelievably so, and he found himself staring at the cookie and admiring the precision that must have gone into it. "Have you... do you cook often or something? Er, do you often frost things, I should ask..."

"Ah, yeah, I do. I like to bake, cook, and whatnot..." She rolls up her sleeve and washes her hands in the sink. She continues talking, voice raising to be heard over the running water, "I do want to start a cafe of my own one day, hopefully."


"Yeah. I had been trying to get a job as a barista or something so I could start to get a feel for it and get familiar with some of the machines, but I'd been so busy with class..." A long, drawn-out sigh leaves Chizue. She flicks her wrists before drying off her hands with a rag. Shin finds himself becoming self-conscious when she begins opening up his cupboards and drawers, sifting through the little silverware and cooking utensils he had. After learning that she was an experienced cook, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed at his lack of basic cooking supplies that probably frustrated her.

Chizue didn't say a thing, though. She didn't even make a face. She merely grabbed out the only pot and pan he had and he watches her, his shoulders nearly touching his ears as he shrunk into himself, while she fills the pot with water and puts it on the stove. She seemed satisfied enough with what he had available, so he relaxes and his body loosens. He takes the cookie and hesitantly takes a small bite out of the leg, and of course, it tasted delicious. If Chizue kept feeding him such amazing food, he wasn't going to be able to go back to his cupped noodles and canned soups, and Shin couldn't afford to be picky.

He winces when a flash temporarily blinds him and he's taken aback, rapidly blinking and looking around for the source, and he realizes Chizue is cursing under her breath and muttering about the 'stupid flash'. She finally peeks over her shoulder and sends him a sheepish smile. "Sorry... I wanted to... get a picture."

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