(Part Eleven)

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This story actually only has a few chapters left. This will be the first fic I will finish. I am so excited and proud of myself rn, please clap for me.

WARNING: Heavy Bleeding and Gore

        Chizue already had a tall glass filled with water and two Aspirins ready on the coffee table beside Shin. The moment he woke up and releases a long groan, Chizue, who sat in a sofa chair right beside him, taps the table with her foot to let him know his drink was there. His face is pushed against the cushions, hiding away from light, and he blindly pats around the table with his hand to find the cup without having to face the light that peered in through the windows. Fearing he would knock over the glass, Chizue decides to grab the water and pills herself and hand them to him. His thanks are muffled and Chizue chuckles silently.

Shin forces himself to face the bright room so he could drink his water, but his eyes are still slammed shut as he drinks it, arm and head at an awkward angle so he didn't have to sit up. While Shin slowly comes to, Chizue retrieves a bowl of oatmeal she'd prepared and a banana from the kitchen, crouching beside him and waiting for him to push himself up before handing them to him. Shin immediately turns up his nose when the scent of the cinnamon-apple oatmeal hits him. "...Ugh, do I really-"

"Eat it, Shin. It'll be good for you."

"God, you sound like my mom..." His voice is gravelly and low, obviously sore. Shin hesitantly grabs the bowl and takes a single bite before recoiling in disgust. "Gross."

Chizue rolls her eyes and then stares at her lap. She listens to the sound of Shin's spoon clinking against the bowl as her mind drifts and her attention soon returns to him, silently watching. Her teeth dig into her bottom lip as she waits for Shin to say something, anything about what had happened last night. It was a big thing. It could transform their entire relationship into something so much deeper, they just had to pursue it. They had to talk about it.

But he just sat there with a grumpy, groggy look on his face as he took his baby bites of oatmeal.

Maybe it was just her, but she imagined Shin would have certainly wanted to talk about it. He asked to kiss her, he was the one that initiated the exchange, so wouldn't he want to talk about it the most? Was she going to have to pull something out of him herself?


"Mm?" He grunts to let her know she was heard. Chizue huffs and crosses her legs, eyes straying away. She forces her tone to remain casual, "So... how do you feel? About last night?"

"Dunno... I wish I never took a sip of that stuff, though," His blunt and coarse tone made Chizue fold into herself just slightly. A pang of hurt hits her chest and makes her jaw clench. Shin continues, "I don't even remember anything. I don't even remember when it hit twelve." Neither did Chizue, because the two of them were a bit preoccupied when midnight came. She's filled with relief, thankful his cold tone wasn't due to regret, but the feeling quickly fades into something else.

He didn't remember anything? At all?

Her cheeks burn, flustered and frustrated, and she unconsciously pulls her bangs to cover her face. Unease was washing over her in waves as she sinks into her seat. Shin didn't seem to notice her inner distress, too busy peeling his banana and digging into it to give himself a break from the oatmeal. Chizue closed her eyes to soothe some of the pain that pounded in her head because, although she was keeping quiet about her pain, her head was killing her and the light was making her want to gouge her eyes out.

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