(Part Nine)

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Shin's skin stings immediately upon walking into the cafe from his cold body being suddenly swarmed with heat. His fingers are frigid and stiff, so he blows onto them and rubs his hands together furiously before shoving them into his pockets. Chizue is at the front by the register, currently handing someone their order and donning her employee smile, which felt about as out of place on her face as a big sticker. Her braid was twisted into a bun and the tie around her collar still looked tight and neat as if she just tied it, so he knew that was proof enough he was earlier than usual. She still looked bright and well-kept.

Once the customer walked away, her eyes meet his, and she grins and gestures him over. Shin hesitantly shuffles towards the counter and she holds out a large coffee to him, little flowery doodles scribbled in sharpie over the lid and sleeve, and Shin's cheeks burn as he holds the cup in his hands. He relishes the warmth and takes a sip, trusting Chizue made his coffee just as he liked it with the perfect amount of milk and sugar, as always.

"Wasn't expecting to see you here so early, night-owl. One in the afternoon... that's a big step!"

Shin rolls his eyes and smirks against his cup, "At least I get any sleep at all."

"Mhmm... must sure be nice..."

"Er, Takahashi-san?" One of her coworkers hesitantly taps on her shoulder and she looks up. Her coworker had messy green hair and earrings, as well as bandages on his nose and cheek. Though he was a head taller than both of them, he still looked young, eyes bright and face round, so he was likely a high-schooler at least. "Sorry to interrupt... boss needs you in the kitchen..."

"Don't tell me she burnt something again."

He merely shrugs and Chizue huffs a large sigh before spinning on her heel and roughly pushing the door into the kitchen. The two watch as the door swings behind her, and her coworker peeks over at Shin while rubbing the back of his neck. "Hey. Uhh... you're... Shin, I'm guessing?"

Shin gives him a funny look. "...Why?"

"Oh, just... you fit Takahashi-san's description." His dark eyes stray away. He fiddles with his buttoned collar, tugging it away like it was choking him. "She talks a lot about you. Oh! I'm, uh, Matsuo Akira..."

"Right... I'd introduce myself, but... seems like you already know who I am." Shin can't fight the heat that nips his cheeks. Chizue talked about him? A lot? Shin knew it likely wasn't anything bad, but he couldn't help the nagging feeling in his gut despite that. Akira pushes on his nails and picks at the skin around them while leaning his hip against the counter. Shin is about to make his way to one of the tables to escape the awkward silence when Chizue comes back out of the kitchen, wiping her hands on a rag and looking a little grumpy with her tensed jaw and her furrowed brows. "She just needed help cleaning one of the machines, even though I had told her I already cleaned them last night after we closed and double-checked them this morning."

"Er," Akira tucks his hands into the pockets of his apron, "Why did she want to clean the machines all of a sudden? And during the day when we have customers?"

"I don't know, to make herself busy...? Still blows my mind how she manages to run this place."

"I think why might be the better question to ask." Akira chuckles. "She can't make coffee, she can't bake, she can't clean... and then, like, one day she woke up and thought 'you know what would be a good idea? starting a cafe'."

"More money than she knew what to do with, I suppose..." Shin hears Chizue mutter under her breath after that.

"Well, at least she knows we keep this place running... less likely to get fired no matter what we do, right?"

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