The Start of a Very Confusing Journey

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Meet Harry James Freakin, Potter. You may know him as the-boy-who-lived, you may know him as your best friend, you may know him as, Prongslet, you may even know him as, "Our Latest Celebrity".

As of right now, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are once again, searching for trouble throughout Hogwarts.

Within the next ten minutes they have found something. "Guys, come here look what I found!" exclaims Ron. "Sure, I'm coming" says Harry."What is it Ronald?" asks Hermionie. "I dunno, it's a door." "Well, what kind of door?" "A door that I've never seen before" replies Ron. "Well Hogwarts is huge, there's bound to be lots of doors you've never seen before" says Hermione. "We- well this door's different!" "Yeah? How so?" snaps Hermionie.

Whilst Ron and Hermionie were bickering like an old married couple Harry took the time to investigate the, said door. Harry found that it was, indeed different, rather than the normal dusty and weary doors that looked centuries old, it was quite fancy. The door was covered in faint outlines of gold, but what intrigued Harry most was the message, said message was written in cursive,

Enter if you wish.

"Hey guys, Ron's right, I've never seen this door either, and I've been through this hallway a lot, it looks like it appeared out of nowhere" said Harry. Just then Hermionie took the time to walk over and examine the door. "You're right, I've never seen this door either. What do you think it does?" asked Hermionie. I'm not sure." says Ron and Harry. "Well then let's leave it for another day " says Hermionie. "But Hermio-"

Just then, they heard footsteps, after the footsteps, they heard voices, the voices of, Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, and Pansy Parkinson. "Are you sure you saw Potter and his friends here?" asked Snape. "Yes professor, they were here talking in hushed voices about a door " said Draco. "And what about you Miss Parkinson? Why are you here?" "Professor as a prefect I believe I should stay with Draco when looking over a problem considering we saw them firsthand " replied Pansy.

As they neared, Ron suddenly had the brilliant idea to say "Let's go through the door!", very loudly, well loud enough for Snape, Draco, and Pansy to hear them. "Shush! Quiet you idiot! Now the only thing we can do is escape by going through this door since this is the end of the hallway!" exclaimed Hermionie.

"They're still there! And They're about to go through the door!" shreiked Pansy. "After them!" said Draco, and so they took off after the trio, going through the door as the trio did just seconds ago.

Through the door it looked like they were still in the same place.

Once they crossed through the door, the first thing Snape did was say,
"20 points from Gryfindor for stupidity!"
"Okay, okay, but where are we? " asked Harry.
Just them Professor McGonagall came through the hallway.

"Mr. Malfoy, Miss Parkinson, Miss Granger, and Miss Potter, why are you still on Hogwarts grounds?" asked Professor McGonagal "and Miss Potter, remove the glamour immediately! " "But Professor I am, a boy!" said Harry.

Sorry for ending this on a cliffhanger! How did you feel about this? Please comment and vote! (if you liked it!)

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