The Other Side of the Door Part Two

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Recap-“What’s the Elite Club of Magbobs professor?” asked Hermionie. “I will tell you about it later, Miss Granger, hopefully, you will sign up for it.” said McGonagall.

“You haven’t said anything about us yet professor” said Pansy

“Did you forget we were here?” asked Draco

“No, I did not forget.” replied McGonagall.

“Then what are we like?” asked Draco.

“Well I can tell you this, you are a prefect, you play Chaser on the Slytherin Quidditch team, and most of the time here, you’re more caring and kinder.” said McGonagall.

“Miss Parkinson  seems like the same person.” said McGonagall.

“Who is the other Prefect, and who is the seeker for Slytherin?” asked Draco.

“Why Miss Potter of course.” said McGonagall like it was the norm.

For her it was but, for the people from the other world, they were quite dumbfounded.

“I’m in Slytherin?” questioned Harry.

“Yes, are you not in Slytherin in your world?” asked McGonagall. “No, I’m in Gryffindor.” replied Harry.

“That is quite shocking. I would of loved for you to be in my house. Though I can’t tell you much more considering most of you will be back on school grounds within the next twenty minutes.” said McGonagall.

“Where are we?” asked Pansy, with everyone else also wondering the same thing.

“You all are at LeFay Manor,” said McGonagall.

“LeFay Manor? Isn’t LeFay the last name of the Dark Witch Morgana?” asked Hermionie, “What would we be doing there?” “Yes Morgana was Morgan LeFay, and you all are there for the Annual Elite Club of Magbobs Gala and Tryouts.” said McGonagall.

“What is a Magbob?” asked Ron. “A Magbob is a way to call muggle-borns, it died out, soon after muggleborns started receiving persecution.” replied McGonagall.

“So if it is a club formed up of muggle-borns, what's so special about that club?” asked Hermionie.

“Well The Elite Club of Magbobs is a club formed by Miss Potter, in the club they give you Scholarships, lessons of Magical Traditions, and  Pureblood etiquette so make sure you have a stable future. On top of all that, each year they have an annual trip each summer to somewhere to learn more about the world of magic. Though there are a few downsides too.” said McGonagall.

“Such as what?” asked Draco intrigued by this club.

“You only get one shot to get accepted into the club.” said McGonagall “What’s so bad about that? You simply just don’t get in?” said Hermionie.

“Well, if you use that chance and don’t get in you, by Miss Potter’s standards will be a Mudblood and unacknowledged by Miss Potter.” said McGonagall.

“What? Why would she do that?!” asked Hermionie. “ Though Miss Potter is quite caring, she has some parts of her that are, not very likable.” said McGonagall. “Not very likable?!” asked Ron “That’s the biggest insult you could call a muggleborn!”

Just then, four people flooed into McGonagall’s office. Those four people were Harriet Potter, Draco Malfoy, Hermionie Granger, and Pansy Parkinson.

The moment they arrived Snape cast a disillusionment charm on himself, and ‘melted’ into the wall.

“Hello Professor, sorry for barging in like this but, I need you to take care of ‘Mionie, she’s drunk” said Harri, not noticing the five other people in the room. (minus Snape cause he’s invisible right now, and she’s too tired)

“And tell me Miss Potter why is my Prefect drunk?” asked McGonagall.  “She drank some wine,” said Harriet bluntly, for she herself too, was slightly drunk. Actually, just about everyone who just flooed into McGonagall's office was slightly drunk.

“How much did she drink then?” asked McGonagall “Apparently ‘Mionie  is an incredibly light drinker. She only drank one cup,” replied Harri taking control of herself. It was only then that she noticed the five other people in the room along with the drunken group. “Professor, who are they?” asked Harri.

Until the next chapter! Please comment and vote (if you liked it)

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