The Other Side of the Door

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Recap: Just then, Professor McGonagall came through the hallway.

"Mr. Malfoy, Miss Parkinson, Miss Granger, and Miss Potter, why are you still on Hogwarts grounds?" asked Professor McGonagall "and Miss Potter, remove the glamour immediately! " "But Professor I am a boy!" said Harry.   

"I never thought I would see this day, Potter becoming somewhat like the Weasley Twins," said McGonagall with a sigh. "But professor, Harry is a boy. Are you feeling unwell professor?" asked Hermionie.

Once Hermionie said that sentence McGonagall began to doubt herself, and think that this was not a prank, they may indeed be telling the truth, just then it felt like something was wrong.

"Very well, come to my office with me." said McGonagall.

"What about us?" asked Draco, very annoyed for being ignored.

"I did not see you there Mr. Malfoy, Miss Parkinson, and Professor Snape. I take it you came with the said 'Mr' Potter?" asked McGonagall saying 'Mr. Potter" like it did not go together, like as if it were a foreign word.

"Yes we came with them and I am ver-" said Draco before being interrupted "Then you all shall come with me too " said McGonagall.

-Timeskip to when they arrive at her office-

Once they arrived at the office, Professor McGonagall sat in her chair and motioned for them to take a  seat. Once they were all seated she started speaking.

"So, I take it you all are not from around?" asked McGonagall. "I don't understand professor, we are from here! You can ask Professor Dumbledore!" exclaimed Harry.

"Now tell me, why in the world would I ask that manipulative maniac?" asked McGonagall.

"Professor, if I may, I have a theory as to why you don't know Harry and why Dumbledore is bad here." asked Hermionie.

"Yes, go on" "I believe we are in an alternate universe." said Hermione. (weird silence for 2 minutes)

Just then Draco broke the silence by saying, "An alternate universe? You think that?!" asked Draco. "It's not possible!" exclaimed Pansy.

"Well Miss Parkinson, I believe Miss Granger is right, it certainly explains why you are behaving in such a way, and, and why Mi-sorry, Mr. Potter is, is, a boy." said McGonagall, struggling to call Harry as a boy.

"So you're saying we are in an alternate universe? Asked Snape.

"Yes, that is correct, Severus. " said McGonagall. "If so, what are we like? What are we like here? More so, what is Potter like?" asked Snape.

"Why would you need to know what 'Harry' is like? Aren't you one of 'his'  godfathers?" asked McGonagall.

Snape stood there, shocked, thinking, did Lily really make me the godfather of her child? At least in this universe? What more is different here?

"No, no I'm not his godfather in our world" said Snape.

"Well, that's surprising, tell me is Sirius Black still his godfather in your world?" asked McGonagall. "Yes" replied Snape.

"That's good and all but can I please know what I'm like?" asked a very ecstatic Ron.

"Well Mr. Weasley, here you play Keeper in quidditch for Gryffindor ever since 3rd year.

You play a lot of Wizards Chess. You became a Prefect along with Miss Granger for Gryffindor this year, and that's about all." said McGonagall.

"So basically the only difference is that I joined the quidditch team 2 years earlier. Aww! I thought I would be cooler!" said Ron.

"What about me professor?" asked Hermionie.

"Miss Granger, you same as Mr. Wealsey are a prefect, you are also Co-head of The Elite Club of Magbobs, and you are the Second Brightest Witch of your generation." said McGonagall.

"What's the Elite Club of Magbobs professor?" asked Hermionie.

"I will tell you about it later, Miss Granger, hopefully, you will sign up for it." said McGonagall. "

Alright! This is only the first part of a 2-part chapter! Please comment and vote! (if you liked it!)    

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