A Stay At The Hufflepuff Dorms

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Recap-“So here is where you all will stay for the night. I suggest you all sleep immediately because tomorrow will be packed” said Harri with Draco adding a quick


And so the ‘transfers were left in the Hufflepuff common room with the Hufflepuff prefect, they took Harri’s advice and went straight to sleep” or so it was the plan.

Hermionie’s POV

Once the people from this universe left, we were left with the Hufflepuff Prefect whom looked quite familiar, but just couldn’t place my finger on who he was.

“Hello! My name is Neville Longbottom and as Harri told you I’ll be showing you to the dorms you’ll stay in for tonight!” said Neville.

“Shall we introduce ourselves?” I ask after realizing the prefect if Neville and thinking about why Neville here is in Hufflepuff rather than Gryffindor.

“Oh no need! Draco already told me your names!” said Neville.

“Draco? He told you?!” I heard Ron ask.

“Of course! Why wouldn’t he?” said Neville.

I couldn't risk us getting caught by Neville so I stopped Ronald, “Ron- erm, Reynold! Stop pestering Neville!” I said. Oops, I almost got us caught.

“Oh but just to make sure I don’t get it wrong, would you mind introducing yourselves again?” asked Neville after looking at me, with questioning glances

“Sure!” I say, a bit overly hyper.

“I’m Hestia Boot,” I say.

“I’m Hadrian Tasa,” said Harry.

“I’m Reynold Wellson,” said Ron.

“I’m Rosabelle Park,” said Pansy.

“And I’m Maxim Dray,” said Draco.

I was quite surprised they managed to remember. (TBH, I literally forgot their names :) lol)

“Thanks! Now you’ll be staying in two dorms. One for the girls and one for the boys. Girls will be in the second guest dorm on the left and on the second floor. Boys will be in the first guest dorm on the right, second floor” said Neville.

“I have a question,” I asked  “why do you have guest dorms?”

“Oh, why we have the guest dorms? They used to be  the prefect dorms. They were the prefect dorms up until this year. And we always have guests” said Neville

“What happened this year?” asked Harry

“This year, Harri got her ownership over Hufflepuff and made the 2 of the prefect dorms into guest bedrooms,” said Neville.

“Oh it’s getting very late! It’s almost midnight!

Thank goodness tomorrow’s Sunday!

You remember how to get to the dorms right?

Tell me if you need anything within the next 10 minutes kay?” said Neville going off into a rant about his grandmother telling him he needs more sleep and what would happen if he didn’t. As he left they could still hear him muttering,

“Oh no! Oh no! Grandmoth-” they couldn’t hear him anymore as he turned across the hallway to his dorm.

-Timeskip to arrival at the dorms-

“Guys that was Neville right? I’m not sure if I heard correctly.” said Ron

“Yes Ron, that was Neville, and Draco here if friends with him” said Harry trying to annoy Draco.”  “The me here clearly has lowered himself to such low standards, befriending Longbottom!” said Draco.  “Well Malfoy, it seems like you here is clearly better!” said Ron.

3rd person POV

And once the bickering between Malfoy, Wealsly, and Potter died down they began to talk amongst each other, civilly. Or at least as civil as you can get between rivals.

“What do we do now?” asked Hermionie. “I want to sleep, I’m pretty sure this is a dream anyway, Malfoy could never be friends with Neville. And Harry,  I can’t even dream of him being a girl!” said Ron sleepily. “You just said something that tells us we aren’t in a dream Ronald” said Hermionie. “What was it?”asked Ron  “You said you can’t even dream about Harry being a boy. So clearly you're not dreaming” said Hermionie. “For once, I shall agree with the weasel, we shall have a nights rest, and tomorrow we will discuss further,” said Draco.

And just like that, everyone went to bed. Well, not without the complaints of “I’m sharing a dorm with Malfoy?!”

Until the next chapter! Please comment and vote (if you liked it)

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