3: breakfast

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A/N: EEEKKKK! i am so excited to get back to this story. i have a LOT planned for it. I got a new cover and changed paige's character look to olivia rodrigo because i love her and josh together so yeah that's all. enjoy reading.

Paige's P.O.V.

Morning practice was cancelled so my best friend, Allie, and I decided to take the opportunity to go get breakfast together. We met at the IHOP closest to the school.

"Good morning, Miss. Ma'am!" Allie smiled brightly at me. Allie was a morning person so this energy wasn't unusual. 

"Morning, Allie-Rae," I beamed at her. I'm more of a night owl than a morning person but when I finally really wake myself up, I'm usually a ball of energy. She started speaking as soon as she reached the table. We were one of the three tables here right now.

"I cannot believe that Coach Mazzara really cancelled morning practice. SO not like her. There has to be something wrong," she rambled on. The waiter came up and placed our order.

"Who knows? Maybe for once, she wanted us to get some sleep, we do have a game tonight." I told her.

"Speaking of games," she started pulling out her phone. She showed me an Instagram post of the Houston Herons. AKA, the team my ex-best friend, Chase Joshua Carter, plays for still. "Did you see they won the title of National Champions again?!" I grabbed her phone and swiped through the post. The first photo was the whole team jumping in the air in a giant huddle. The second photo was the whole team, with Josh (that's what I always called him) and Easton, Josh's best friend, holding the trophy. I skipped right past it. I didn't want to see him. The next photo was the coaches holding the trophy. And the last slide was a video of Josh throwing the last pitch and then all the boys running up to him and cheering. Then they threw him up on their shoulders and shouted, "MVP! MVP!" over and over. It was a beautiful moment. I softly smiled.

"I hadn't. But now I have," I said handing Allie back her phone as our waiter came over with our food. My face dropped a little thinking about him.

"Talk to me, tell me what's up." Allie demanded. It wasn't normal if I was ever sad thinking about him.

"I had a dream about him. It was about when we in 7th grade and had to babysit Olivia while our parents went on a double date. We had so much fun together and then all of the sudden it was freshman year and we were arguing and he told me to leave him alone and left. And then it was me at my wedding and I couldn't see my husbands face, but Josh's whole family was there but him. And I cried and then woke up. I guess I kinda miss him, maybe? I don't know." I explained.

"Paige, he hurt you. Like seriously hurt you, in the most unforgivable way. You miss the idea of him, and that's okay, but you saw the real him that day. That's who he is. He threw away 14 years of friendship and when you tried to fight for it, he fought you. That's it. That's Chase." She spoke. "Besides, he's been sleeping around since freshman year. He's probably got like a million STDs. Do you really want that around you?" We laughed and I decided she was right.

"I mean why would I even be thinking of him now? We don't follow each other on social media. I blocked his number and we don't even see each other around school really. I barely know what he looks like anymore." I sighed.

"Uhh, not to burst your bubble there, Paige. But it looks like you're about to find out," she rushed out and my eyes darted to the tall boy and short girl who just entered the IHOP. Josh and his little sister. Josh shoved his hands in his hoodie pocket as he spoke to the hostess. He did a quick scan of the room and his eyes landed on mine.

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