2: good morning

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Chase's P.O.V.

"Up and at'em, Chase!" My father's voice booms through the house waking me up from a dream about someone from the past. "You've got tryouts today! Start off strong or do wrong!" That was kind of his slogan. I rolled over and remembered that Olivia was officially 15 years old. Dang. She's old.


Houston, stay off the roads. I laughed to myself and got up still thinking about my dream. I threw on my Klein Baseball hoodie and a pair of black jeans with my black Vans and walked down the hall to Olivia's room with her gift in my hands. She really wanted Topez Blue Checkered Vans:

 She really wanted Topez Blue Checkered Vans:

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So here they were in my hands. As I opened the door she shrieked.

"AHHH! Chase what are you doing?!" She cried out throwing the clothes in her hands up in the air. I started laughing as she covered herself.

"Sorry, Liv." I said as I stuck the box out. She grabbed it.

"Oh. Thanks, besides I have a bra on," she said awkwardly.

"Happy Birthday, Gracie." I smiled at her. She opened the box, squealed and gave me a hug.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Chase! Eeee! I love them!" She squealed.

"Of course," I said and left the room, heading downstairs and making myself some breakfast. Maybe some food would shake me from that dream. I didn't need to be thinking about her on a day like today. Today was a big day.

"Big day, today, huh?" I heard Kalissa's sweet voice.

"Yes ma'am, I'm not too worried about it though." I said searching for something to eat/

"Well, you are the number one pitcher in Houston, sooooo..." she said. We made eye contact and smiled at each other.

"Thanks, by the way," I said to her.

"For what, Sweetie?"

"Just, for always being here. Especially for my dad and Olivia. You've really been amazing for us, and I feel like we don't show our appreciation enough, and you deserve it." I said honestly. She really is amazing.

"Aww, Chase!" She said hugging me. I hugged her back and smiled. She let go of me and looked down at her watch. "Anything you need before I have to leave?" She asked.

"No, thank you though."

"Of course, love! Will you tell Morgan that I've left but will be home tonight for Liv's dinner?"

"Shoot, I forgot about that, but yes I will inform my dad. Drive safely," I said as she walked out the door. "Hey, Kalissa," I stopped her.


"I- uhm, I love you," I smiled at her, saying that for the first time and meaning it.

"I love you too, Chase. Kick some ass today, I'll see you tonight," she said before leaving. I did love her, for everything she's done for my dad and Olivia and frankly me. She was there for my dad when my mom decided they needed to split up. Crazy to think that was 4 years ago.  I'd saw it coming when I reached about the 7th grade. I could tell nothing was working anymore. Then in the summer before my 8th grade year, they got divorced. Olivia and I were separated for about a year before I decided to stay with my dad for high school.

Kalissa was a good friend of my fathers and then the Valentines day during my freshman year, my dad proposed to her. The wedding was that next summer and ever since then, she's been a big part of my life. Breaking me from my thoughts, Olivia came down the stairs.

"Ready to go?" she asked me. At first I was confused, and then I remembered that I promised I'd take her to IHOP for a birthday breakfast.

"Yeah, just let me grab my bag and then I'm good." She nodded and smiled at me as I walked out of the room. I don't know what it was, but I had a good feeling about today.

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