4: in and out of focus

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Chase's P.O.V

Liv and I pulled up to the IHOP near the high school and got out of the car. I shoved my phone into my hoodie pocket and my keys into my jean pocket with the lanyard sticking out. It was semi-cold outside. At least, as cold as it really gets in Houston, around 50ish degrees. So after I grabbed the door for Liv I shoved my hands into my hoodie pocket.

"Good morning," the hostess said to us.

"Morning," Liv and I said at the same time. I elbowed Liv lightly. "Dork," I smiled.

"Loser," she shot back immediately. As she started to giggle I turned to the hostess.

"Table for two please."

"Seems like you have a fun date," she smiled at us.

"Oh, yeah. She's the life of the party," I said.

"Heck yeah, I am," Livy spoke.

"Anyways," I said turning back to the hostess. "It's just us," I began as I looked across the room. "Although she's loud enough to be three people, isn't sh-" my eyes landed on the girl from my dream. The girl from my past. Paige Oakland, and just my luck, she was looking at me too. Wow, she uh- she really grew up. Damn.

Cutting me from my thoughts, the hostess spoke. "Right this way," she led us to a table across the room from Paige and her friend. Just before we sat down, Olivia saw her.

"Oh. My. GOSH! No way!" Olivia ran across the room right to Paige's table. Paige stood up and wrapped her arms around Olivia tightly. Liv always adored Paige and when Paige and I stopped talking, I didn't have the heart to tell her about how much Paige hurt me. I wondered if she remembered that today was Liv's-

"Happy 15th, Olivia," she said as soon as they stopped hugging. So she did remember. A small smile crept onto my face. No. She didn't matter to me anymore. I only smiled cause she meant so much to Liv. I sat down but couldn't keep my eyes off the scene playing out in front of me. Liv's smile hadn't been that bright in a long time. I knew how much she missed  Paige. Hell, I knew how much she missed her because of how much I missed her sometimes. But like I said before, she didn't mean anything to me anymore. 

As soon as I tried to look away, Liv and Paige hugged again and she looked at me again. We made eye contact before I broke away and looked down at my phone, trying to find something, anything to distract me from her. I opened Instagram and started scrolling but I wasn't pay attention to it. How is it that I somehow have and random ass dream about her, and then see her the next day? It made no sense.

I shook it off as soon as Livy sat down. "Can you believe Paige is here, Chase?! It's been so long since we've seen her." Or so I thought I did.


As soon as the the food came, I had to pee so bad. I hadn't gone when I woke up this morning. I didn't know how much longer I could hold up but right as I started to stand, Paige did too. Damnit. I didn't want to talk to her but I really had to pee. Could I take that risk?

"I'll be back, I have to pee," I said to Liv.

"Didn't need to know that, Chase," she shooed me away. Luckily for me, I made it there without running into her. But I wasn't so lucky on the way out. 


Paige's P.O.V

I finished up washing my hands in the restroom and opened the door. Looking up, I saw Josh and tripped over myself. Smooth, I beat myself up as I was falling. I stuck my arms out and suddenly there was and arm around my waist. My hands landed onto his shoulders.

"J-josh," I stuttered out. As soon as I was steady, Joshua let go.

"It's Chase. The only person who calls me Josh is-"

"Olivia. Right, no I remember. I'm sorry. Old habits die hard I guess."

"I guess," his tone was harsh and cold. Looks like he hasn't changed. Suddenly, his tone was much softer and sweeter. "You okay?"

"With what?" I stared at his eyes. They seemed to pour into mine. I could get lost in his eyes for hours. Wow. He'd really grown up.

"You just tripped?" he said, confused.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry, yeah I'm good. Uh, how are you. I-I-I mean, how've you been," I stuttered so hard. I'd thought about out first real conversation a thousand times, and this, this was NOT how I'd imagined it. Not at all.

"Look, Paige," his voice was deeper than I remember, and the way he said my named sent shivers down my spine. "We don't have to do this. Pretend we're friendly with each other and then lie about how we've been because neither of us trust the other to be honest about our feelings. Okay? Today's kind of important so I don't need you invading my brain and fucking me up all over again. Especially not today. Now if you'll excuse me, Olivia is waiting for me," he spoke and walked away. I blinked and tried to process what he said. Me fucking him up?! Wow, after everything, he can't even take responsibility over what he's done? Yeah, nothing's changed.

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