5: your failing

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Paige's P.O.V.

After the whole incident with Josh- I mean Chase, Allie, and I left. I grabbed my wallet and keys, putting a 20 on the table, and headed out the door straight from the table. I didn't look over at his table even though I wanted to. It took every ounce of self-control I had. I got my Jeep and hopped in. Right as I was about to drive away, my passenger door opened and Allie climbed in.

"Yo, what the hell just happened?" she said, sounding panicked.

"Nothing. I just- Nothing." I repeated.

"You storming out of breakfast after using the bathroom isn't nothing, Paige. What happened?"

"I saw Chase! Okay?! And we started to have a conversation and he shoved me away telling me he didn't need me fucking him up today. Like I did something to him. God! I don't know why I thought he'd actually try to talk to me. Nope, just same ol' Chase. He'll never change, Allie." I scrambled out.

"Shit," Allie whispered. "Hey, it's okay. Chill out and take a breath. He's not worth it. You tried, now you never have to try to talk to him again. Okay? You saw him, tried to talk to him, never again," she stated. "He's not worthy of your time anyway. Just try to forget about him, okay?"

I nodded my head and took a breath. She was right. I'd tried. Now I never have to again. Allie hugged me and we said our goodbyes. I pulled out of the parking lot and headed to school. I had more important things to worry about today. Like the game, and the fact that Chase isn't a part of my life anymore, so I need to stop acting like he is.


Chase's P.O.V.

"The roster will be posted by tomorrow morning," Coach Lawton spoke. We had just finished our tryouts and although I had a rough start to my day, I had a fantastic tryout. Not that I really needed one. "Knox, Carter. My office please," Coach said. Easton and I looked at each other and headed to his office. After a few minutes, Coach came in.

"So here's the deal boys," Coach started. "With Jacob graduating last year, our team needs a captain. Right now, I'm seeing you two as our top two candidates. As soon as the roster is posted tomorrow morning, practice will begin. We'll take nominations and votes but it's whoever gets nominated. Juniors and seniors only. Y'all know the drill. But don't accept the title if you aren't willing to put in the work. Now get outta here boys. I have a roster to make."

"Yes, sir," we both said. Easton headed out first and then Coach stopped me.

"Chase?" I turned around to face him.

"What's up, Coach?"

"Take a seat again, please," he said in a tone I haven't heard before. I sat down.

"You're failing Government," he stated, crossing his arms. I sighed. Already? "We just started the semester, Chase. How are you already failing?"

"We gonna talk about why I'm failing classes, Coach?"

"No. We're gonna talk about how you're gonna get a tutor and raise your grade to passing or you'll be sitting in the dugout the rest of this year, Chase. You won't play a single game if you're failing a class. And if you're batboy, you can't be captain," he informed me. Shit, this couldn't be real.

"Yes, sir, Coach. I'll get a tutor as soon as I can and be ready to play in our first game. Maybe even be captain, sir," I told him. This was gonna be a pain in the ass, but he was right.

"Good. Now get out of my office, Carter. I'm sick of looking at you," he smiled at me.

"Love you too, Coach. See you tomorrow," I said as I left. Jeez, a tutor? This should be fun...

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