Chapter Fourteen

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Walking through the town was much less stressful when Roman wasn't invisible and Virgil wasn't trying to keep him that way. They were able to walk side-by-side and talk to each other, unlike before. The clothes they had purchased made Roman blend in with the crowd. If people looked at them, it was because the mage beside him was drawing their attention.

It became clear to the prince very quickly that Virgil was nervous about something or multiple somethings. He tried his best to distract him, asking him about the town and keeping him focused on what was directly in front of him rather than past or future events. It was difficult, given that bringing up details of the town had the potential to make the mage remember an unpleasant part of his past. He also didn't feel comfortable with asking directly about what happened.

After eating breakfast at the bakery Virgil had mentioned, they were on their way to Janus' arena. Roman noticed a significant change in the people around them as they neared it. More of them cast nasty or intrigued looks at the mage beside him. Virgil kept his face emotionless.

The prince was about to ask if they were close to their destination when they came upon the arena's entrance. It was a tall rounded building, the sign on the front gate containing a two-headed serpent. Virgil didn't give him a chance to look at the outside, quickly walking inside without a word. Roman rushed to keep up.

The inside was massive as well. There was a large front area that, from what Roman could tell, was for drinking and partying. He blinked rapidly as alcohol stung his nostrils. There were people of all sizes and shapes. Muscular, scarred men who looked like they could snap his spine like a toothpick. Women dressed in provocative clothing, but were armed with weaponry. People who looked like neither or somewhere between. He was even more grateful not to look like a prince in that moment, knowing that in the company of these people, he'd be kidnapped or killed in minutes.

The arena was further inside the building. As they approached it, he could hear the yelling grow louder. Virgil only paused once they reached the side of the ring. He said nothing as he stared at the two people fighting. Roman opened his mouth to say something, but thought better of it, turning to watch them as well. 

It didn't take him long to figure out that one of the fighters was a fire mage. She shot fire from her fists, which glowed like red hot metal. The other fighter didn't seem to have magic, but was armed with a shield that seemed resistant to the flames. 

Roman watched with wide eyes as they held it up against another blast of fire. They lowered it once more, seemingly unfazed by the magic. "Wow, what kind of shield is that?" he asked.

"There are types of metals in this world that are resistant against magic, specifically types like fire, light, and shadows," Virgil explained, not taking his eyes off of the fight. "Those types of magic, if not used with more than basic skill, can be easily deflected or blocked, like that."

He gestured as the fire mage shot another burst of flames at her opponent, only to have it hit their shield and disperse. "A shield will help you against water and earth as well, but it's far easier for them to find away to hit you around the shield than it is for fire, light, and shadow mages. Against an air mage, the shield would be useless though," he continued. "They can maneuver so fast and strike from anywhere that a shield would just be an unnecessary burden to carry."

"You know a lot about this stuff," the prince said without thinking. 

"I had to learn for survival," Virgil mumbled. 

He then turned away from the fight and began walking even deeper into the building. Roman hurried to follow him as the fire mage was knocked unconscious by a heavy smack to the head with the shield that had been deflecting her magic. 

"Where are we going?" he asked.

"We aren't going anywhere," he said, turning to him as they stopped in front of a door. "I'm going in the back to get ready. You are staying out here."

Roman gave him a flabbergasted expression. "Excuse me? You expect me to just... I don't know, mingle amongst this group of people?" he snapped in a low voice. "They're going to realize that I'm not from around here really quickly Virgil. What happens if they try to jump me or something? I can't take on everyone at once!"

Virgil let out a heavy sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fine, but don't ask any questions. Just stay quiet," the mage said seriously. 

The prince felt slightly insulted and opened his mouth to say so, but Virgil knocked on the door before he could. He shut his mouth stubbornly. Someone opened the door and looked the two of them up and down. "He's with me," Virgil muttered. There was something different about his voice and posture. Roman glanced at him, noticing how intimidating he looked all of a sudden. The person shrugged and opened the door for them. 

Once they were in the back, Roman felt his skin crawling. He felt like he was being watched by everyone he passed. He tried not to make eye contact with anyone, especially not the ones who were still bleeding from a very recent fight. 

"Ah, Virgil, there you are," he heard a familiar voice greet them. He turned to see Janus approaching. The cloaked man had a grin on his face as he stopped in front of the mage. When his eyes landed on Roman, the grin became a bit wider. "Who's this? A new contender for me? That's really sweet of you Virgil."

"He's not your anything, Janus," Virgil corrected him. "He's just here to spectate, he's a friend of mine..."

Janus gave him a sardonic smile. "Since when do you have friends?"

Roman felt his gut twist with something he couldn't describe. The mage set his jaw and stared the snake-like man down. "Since I left you," he replied. This earned a small laugh from Janus, but otherwise stopped him from further commenting on the subject. "Who am I fighting?"

"Well, you owe Maurice a rematch, I believe, but as the returning champion, you're required to defend your title," Janus said. His grin returned. "I'm sure you'll have some eager opponents."

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