Chapter One

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Sunlight poured through the sheer curtains of Roman's bedroom. He rolled over with a little whine, being able to feel the heat on his eyelids. He knew he couldn't stay in bed for very long; as the heir to his father's throne, he was expected to be up and doing something productive early in the morning.

After a few more moments of savoring his warm bed, the prince huffed and pushed himself up. He made his way across the room to his bathroom and began to prepare for the day. He showered and got dressed in one of his many fine suits. He then took a comb to his hair, styling it to perfection.

It was as he was adjusting his clothing in front of his mirror that a knock sounded on his door. "You may enter," he called.

A servant poked his head inside as he opened the door. "Is there anything you require assistance with this morning, Your Highness?" he asked, smiling awkwardly. The prince was already fully dressed and bathed, as usual.

"No thank you, Henry," Roman told him with a small chuckle. "I'll say again that you don't need to ask. I like to get ready myself."

"It's my job, Your Highness," he replied.

The servant then did a quick bow to him and closed the door once more. Roman rolled his eyes with a small sigh. No matter how many times he insisted on doing some things himself, his servants always asked if he wanted them to do it for him.

He finished touching up his hair and face, smiling at his reflection in the mirror. "I do say, you look dashing today," he told himself with a grin.

He was ready to face the day. As he headed to dining room for breakfast, Roman kept his head high and a smile on his lips. Being a royal came naturally to him. The practice of self love was a familiar concept and allowed him to behave with more dignity and grace. His self respect gave him a regal aura.

Breakfast was waiting on the dining room table for him; someone else was waiting as well. His life long friend Patton Valentine was already nibbling on a muffin as he took his seat.

"Oh! Good morning Roman!" he greeted.

"Morning, Pat, what's today's muffin flavor?" the prince inquired. "Blueberries or cinnamon?"

His friend shook his head. "Neither! I did chocolate chips today!" Patton exclaimed. He reached forward to grab one off the tray and handed it to Roman. "I figured it had been awhile since I did chocolate chip."

"Well, this certainly is a pleasant way to start the day," Roman said before biting into the muffin.

Patton Valentine came from a noble family who had been close to Roman's for many years. Unfortunately, tragedy befell them when Patton was seventeen-years-old. His parents were killed in a fire that had been caused by accident. Roman's parents had decided to take him under their wing and allowed him to live in the palace ever since. While Patton wasn't very adept with politics, he'd found passion in baking and often helped the kitchen staff with the preparation of meals.

"So any plans for today?" Patton asked cheerfully.

"Just the usual, some sword practice this morning and a politics meeting with my father this afternoon," he said, waving his hand. "If I'm lucky, I'll get some time to work on my newest poem."

His friend gasped happily at the statement.  "Oh? You're working on a new poem?"

The prince nodded. "Yes, I am. It happens to be about love, though I'm sure that doesn't come as a surprise to you," he said, causing Patton to giggle. He sighed dramatically. "I'm a bit of a romantic."

"I never would've guessed," a third voice deadpanned from behind them.

They both turned to see Logan Sharp, the king's adviser walking into the room. He was scribbling something down in his notebook as he took a seat with them.

Logan's father had been the royal advisor since Roman was a child, but just last year, he'd resigned and his son had taken his place. Though the prince would never admit it, it was incredibly nice to have his friends in close proximity to him all the time. He needed their support even if he didn't always tell them that.

"Morning Logan!" Patton greeted with a huge grin.

Roman smiled knowingly to himself; though he was a cheerful person most of the time, Patton lit up in a special way whenever Logan was around.

"I'd better head off to the barracks," he said, sending his friend a sly wink as he stood up. Patton blushed a little but nodded.

He made his way out to the royal barracks behind the palace. Knights and royal guards were already running drills and making sure their skills were sharp. Some of them were even taking their horses out for some exercise, as the royal stables were beside their training area.

Roman was an excellent swordsman if he said so himself. If he wasn't the take the throne when his father passed, he'd enlist as a knight. He wouldn't mind riding horseback into the sunset with his sword raised to the sky.

"Morning Your Highness," a familiar voice called.

He looked up to see a fiery-haired girl on horseback trotting to him. "Ah, Pepper, what gives me the pleasure?" he asked as she stopped beside him. "Are you looking for another race?"

"I wish, but no," she laughed. "I'm just here to give the horses their routinely check up."

"Oh? How's my girl doing?" Roman asked, walking beside her horse as they headed toward the stables. "In perfect health I would hope?"

Pepper nodded. "She's right as rain."

The prince nodded and then bid her farewell as he continue to the barracks. The knights greeted him with respect as he walked inside. He began to put on his armor and unsheathed his sword from his belt. It glinted under the sunlight as he stepped outside again.

A warm breeze tussled his perfect hair, but he couldn't bring himself to be angry. His lips curled into a smile. Today seemed like it was going to be perfect.

The Fallen Angel - Prinxiety (ON HOLD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora