Chapter Ten

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The mouth of the mountain stood before them. The tunnel looked dark inside and being in its presence put Roman on edge. He swallowed as he looked between it and the mage warily. "So what's the plan? Should we wait until we get close to the settlement before you cloak me, or should you do it now?"

Virgil was staring at the tunnel with an unreadable expression on his face. There was something in his eyes that he couldn't place. "I'm going to cloak you now," he mumbled.

He turned to face the prince and held up his hands. Roman stayed still and watched as he made deliberate motions in the air. Purple mist and runes appeared and swirled around him. He felt a rush of cool air hit him, making him blink. When he looked down at himself, he realized that the purple runes were now on his skin. He scowled and opened his mouth to ask a question.

"You're invisible so long as those runes are there," Virgil supplied. He took a deep breath and shook out his head as if to clear it. "I can see you cause it's my spell, but you're completely invisible to everyone else. They can hear you though, and you can touch things, so be careful not bump into anyone or make your presence known to anyone once we get into the settlement. Stay quiet and just stay close to me."

The prince nodded and began to follow the mage as they entered the tunnel. Virgil produced another orb of light and sent it into the air above them. Under its light, Roman could make out his pale skin and eyebags. He squinted as he looked him up and down. He wasn't sure, but he thought that Virgil's hands were shaking slightly.

I wish he trusted me more so that I could ask if he's alright, he thought to himself with a frown. I can't even ask him now if I wanted to though... He'd get mad at me for talking.

The walk through the tunnels didn't take very long and soon it was opening up into a wider path. Roman noted that the bandits they'd seen hadn't made an appearance. He wanted to remind Virgil about them, but it was more important than ever that he didn't speak as the tunnel opened up fully into the massive cavern.

His jaw dropped and his eyes widened at the sight. It was a massive town within the mountain, complete with several houses, taverns, inns, and even a market place straight ahead. Roman took it all in as fast as he could as he trailed behind Virgil.

The mage began making his way toward the market place without hesitation. He hurried to keep up with him, looking around at all the people passing by him. It was such as strange experience. The thought that he was completely invisible made him a bit uncomfortable. He was used to being paid attention to and now it was as if he didn't exist. However, it was also peaceful in a way. There were moments when he didn't want to be the center of attention, like at Remy's bar. Roman wasn't sure how to feel at the moment.

Virgil seemed to know his way around, which shouldn't surprise him considering he'd admitted to visiting this settlement before. It made it a bit difficult to anticipate where he was going and what he was thinking though.

Once they reached the market place, the mage headed toward one of the stalls selling clothing. Realization dawned on him as he remembered what he'd said about his princely attire drawing attention. He stood beside him and watched as Virgil purchased a couple spare sets of clothing. He wanted to offer to help pay for them, but the mage was already moving away toward a stall selling satchels and bags. Watching Virgil hand over more coins in exchange for a large black satchel made his gut twist even more with guilt.

He reached into one of his pockets, feeling for the small bag of gold. He clutched it and considered sneaking it into the satchel, but he had no idea if the invisibility spell would work on objects he was holding. He decided against it, but was determined to repay Virgil as soon as he was able to.

They made their way through the market place and toward what the prince assumed was an inn. Virgil suddenly stopped, making Roman almost run into him. He blinked, realizing that there were a couple people looking at him.

"If you guys are looking for a fight, you'll have to wait until tomorrow. I'm not in the mood," Virgil said. His voice resonated confidence and intimidation. Roman's eyes widened at it. The four bandits stepped closer to him, causing a sigh to escape the mages lips. "I'm really not in the mood for this."

One of the bandits jumped at him. Virgil dodged expertly, but one of the other bandits grabbed him by the neck and shoved him roughly against a wall. He heard him gasp and wince. The prince felt his heart racing as he watched helplessly.

"You expect to just waltz in here like you own the place after the humiliation you put us through?" the bandit pinning him snarled.

Roman felt confusion and curiosity wash over him. The mage rolled his eyes and glared at his attacker. "I'm just passing through, Maurice," he said. "There's no need to make a fuss in front of everyone just because you're bitter that I kicked your ass."

The bandit, Maurice, pulled Virgil back and shoved him against the wall once more, eliciting another pained hiss from the mage. The prince wanted to snap at him, tell him to stop pissing the guy off. He also wanted to draw his sword and slice the man's hand off. He could do neither; his skin still held the runes that told him Virgil's invisibility spell was in effect.

"Jumping me in the middle of a market place is hardly going to prove anything," Virgil point out.

"It would sure feel good to beat you up though," he replied, pulling back his fist.

Roman had just about had it with being a spectator. His hand darted to his sword and he was ready to draw it if Maurice threw the punch. However, it would seem he didn't have to. A tall man in a regal dark cloak and wearing a hat step forward and clapped his gloved hands.

"Gentlemen, that's enough," he said.

Maurice turned, glaring at the man. He then released Virgil as he swore under his breath. The mage rubbed his neck and his chest, but otherwise looked unbothered. He looked at the man with a cautious gaze. "Your timing is impeccable, Janus."

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