Chapter Three

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When Roman went out into the village, he usually had guards escorting him. He disliked this immensely. They were always hovering around and they never wanted to talk to him when he tried to make conversation. It frustrated him to no end, but he knew they were there to protect him; this doesn't mean that he didn't sneak out whenever he got the chance.

The phrase "sneaking out" was a strong one to use for what the prince did. He wasn't obligated to stay in the palace, so there was nothing wrong with him leaving. It was simply the matter of avoiding going through the main entrance so he could go out alone.

A gentle breeze tugged at Roman's hair. Most of it was carefully tucked under a cap in order to draw less attention to himself, but a few of his waves still hung down. He'd downgraded his royal garbs to a much more modest outfit. With luck, no one would even recognize him without being told who he was. 

The sun warmed his cheeks as he walked down the main street of the city. It was bustling with people, going to work, going shopping, going out with friends. He could pick one person and see someone unique with their own purpose for being there. It made him smile to think about how each and every person he saw was special in their own ways. Roman wondered how many of them were aspiring writers, or training to be master chiefs; perhaps there were a few inventors among them. All the possibilities stretched before his mind in a way that made him giddy. 

His smile remained in place as he traveled to his favorite pub on main street. It was the most popular one in the city. Above it was a inn where many new arrivals to the kingdom stayed. The prince enjoyed going there to meet new people under cover. 

He pushed the door open and made his way over to the bar. A young man was tidying behind the counter, unaware of his presence as he sat down. "Hey Remy," he greeted.

"Oh shit!" he gasped in surprise, jumping. He whirled around, looking embarrassed and shocked. Realization washed over him as he met Roman's eyes. A small laugh escaped his lips. "You startled me, Your Highness."

He added the title quietly, so that it was only heard between them. Remy knew of the prince's desire to go unnoticed sometimes and was happy to lend his inn as a place for him to do so.

"My apologies," Roman replied, smiling. "How are things today?"

"Pretty well, I've been seeing a lot of new comers this week," the innkeeper said. "I got a few more this morning and another just a half hour ago. I don't know what's got all these people heading here, but I'm not complaining."

He nodded in response to Remy's words, looking around the bar. It was lively and filled with people. Some were clearly locals who enjoyed a good drink, but others were obviously out of place and new. Some were mysterious and hidden in the back corners, staying to themselves. Roman turned back to the innkeeper. "How's Emile? Have you made any progress on asking him out?"

"Ah, sadly no, that boy is a bit oblivious," Remy lamented dramatically.

"I know what you mean, Logan still hasn't figured out that Patton's head-over-heels for him. Honestly, I think I'll have to write out on a piece of paper and stick it to Patton's chest just for him notice," he replied, rolling his eyes. 

His friend shook his head and sighed. "What can you do? When they're really smart with certain things, they tend to be quite dumb in some other ways," he said. A customer called from the other end of the bar, making Remy pass a glass of water to the prince. He then turned to walk away. "Gotta tend to the customers, stay as long as you like."

Roman nodded and began to sip the cool liquid. He reached in his vest pocket for the small notebook he carried with him and a pencil. Laying it on the bar, he began to scribble down some ideas here and there. 

Someone sitting down beside him made him pause for a moment. "You from here?" a coarse voice asked. The prince turned to look, seeing a large man sitting beside him. His face was heavily scarred and his expression wasn't one of kindness or even interest. Roman felt his skin crawl and his gut told him he should get away from this man.

"No, just passing through," he lied. "I can't afford to stay in a place like this!

"Hmm, well that pretty ring on your finger would suggest otherwise," the man said. Alarm shot through him as the large man grabbed his wrist, pulling it toward his face to get a closer look at his ring. "That's the crest of the royal family, which must mean you're their pretty little son. What are you doing outside of the palace without guards? Didn't they teach you about people like me?"

Roman opened his mouth to say something, but the man grabbed him. The prince let out a yell for help. The commotion got the bar's attention, including Remy's. The innkeeper rushed out from behind the bar. "Unhand him this instant!"

"Or what?" he replied, pulling a sword from his belt and pointing toward him. "There's all sorts of people who'd pay me a high price for the head of a royal like this guy here."

The large man started to drag him toward the door as the prince cried out for help. He felt desperation building up in his chest and the panic setting in. He was struggling, but there was no use. This man was physically stronger than him and had a much larger stature, giving him a significant advantage. Roman tried to focus and threw his head backwards into the man's face. 

He heard the crack of a nose and suddenly he was on the floor. He tried to scramble away as the man howled at him, but he knew there was no real point. "Come here you-"

A flash of light appeared in the bar and suddenly the man was thrown against the wall. His eyes were wide in surprise and disbelief. Silence had fallen over the bar. Roman looked up to see someone standing between him and his attack. It was a young man in a hooded cloak. He held no weapon. 

Understanding hit him as his eyes widened. Remy had called the guards from outside and they began to rush into the bar. They started arresting his attacker as well as the young man who had saved him.

Roman was in a daze as he headed back to the palace with them. That was magic.

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