Chapter Four

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Roman's heart was pounding in his chest as he walked back into the palace after his near-kidnapping. His hands were still trembling as he fidgeted with the ring that had given his identity away. He should've known better, but he never took it off; he often forgot it was even there.

The prince's attack was dragged off to the dungeons, having been caught in the middle of his crime. The mage, however, was being escorted into the palace behind him. He tried to look over his shoulder at him but was unable to see him passed the guards. 

They made their way into the throne room. His father and mother were waiting on their thrones, Logan by his father's side and Patton sitting with the nobles of the kingdom. He didn't typically make an appearance when something like this happened, but word of the attack on Roman must've reached him. He was looking at him with clear concern in his face. The prince met his gaze and nodded a little bit to reassure him that he was okay. He saw Patton visibly exhale and relax slightly in his seat.

Roman walked forward and bowed to his father out of habit rather than conscious choice. "Are you alright, my son?" he asked. He gave him a nod and then moved to take his place in his throne. The king turned his attention to the magic user. "Bring the suspect forward."

The guards parted as they directed him forward. As he stood before the royal family, he raised his hands to remove his hood. Roman would be lying if he said his breath didn't catch in his throat. Murmurs and gasps were heard around the room as he revealed himself. He was fair and had an ethereal glow about him that didn't seem to be intentional. His dark hair contrasted his pale skin and dark makeup was smeared underneath his eyes. Everything about him screamed 'magical'.

"Who are you?" the king asked, tilting his chin upward.

The mage seemed to take a couple breaths before bowing his head respectfully. "My name is Virgil Black, Your Majesty," he, Virgil, said. Roman was captivated by his voice immediately. He gazed at him with intrigue. 

"You've been brought before me because you were seen by many witnesses, including my own son, using magic. The use of magic is strictly forbidden in this kingdom. Were you aware of this, Mr. Black?" he continued.

"No Your Majesty, you have my deepest and most sincere apologies," Virgil hurried out, kneeling down onto the ground. He put a fist over his heart as he continued. "I swear that I was unaware of these laws, and that I only used my magic to help the prince. He was being attacked by a man and the guards hadn't gotten there yet. My business is not in your kingdom, Your Majesty. I'm simply passing through on my way home. I don't intend to stay here."

There were soft murmurs among the nobles of the court. Roman watched as his father eyed the boy in front of them. His mother looked conflicted, clearly thinking about his late brother but also the fact that Virgil had saved her son's life. 

"Prince Roman, can you vouch for him in regard to assisting you?" the king asked.

He nodded and quickly stood up. He looked down at the mage, who raised his head for a moment to meet his eyes. Their gazes locked. "Yes, Father, I can vouch for you," Roman said confidently. "Had Mr. Black not intervened with his magic, it's likely the man's attempt to kidnap me would've succeeded. It was due to his actions that I've safely returned home."

"Thank you, Prince Roman," his father said, gesturing for him to sit down once more. He turned back to Virgil. "Do you have anything else to say in your defense, Mr. Black?"

The mage stood up and took a deep breath. "Only that I would never use my magic to hurt anyone unless out of self defense or defense of others. I'm not here in your kingdom to cause trouble. I'm just trying to return home to my magic guild."

Roman looked toward his father expectantly; there was no reason they couldn't let Virgil off with a warning. He was a foreigner with no knowledge of their laws and he had saved his life. The king looked thoughtful and murmured quietly to Logan. Murmurs continued through the throne room as they awaited the king's decision. His father then nodded and turned back to the mage. "The sentence for violation of the ban on magic is typically six months in prison, however, given that this is your first offense and that you are not from here, and that you saved my son's life, I shall only sentence you to three days."

The prince's face turned to one of confusion as he looked toward his father. Seriously? You're going to lock him up even though he saved me? What the hell Father?

Virgil looked alarmed by this statement at first, but after a few moments, his expression turned to one of resignation. He nodded and thanked the king for his merciful sentence. As the guards escorted him out of the room, Roman watched him in frustration. He turned to his father with a scowl. "Why did you sentence him at all? He saved my life Father!"

"I have to set an example for the people of this kingdom," he explained. "I recognize his heroic actions, and therefore, he is not being punished nearly as severely as he would've been otherwise. We do not know who this young man is, where he's from, or if he speaks the truth. I must uphold the expectation that the use of magic results in punishment as it is against the law. If I let one person slide, people will begin to come up with excuses for why they should be allowed to use magic too."

"But what about the integration of magic back into our kingdom? Have you already decided not to consider it?" Roman countered, feeling his frustration growing. 

His father shook his head. "I haven't written it off entirely, but as of right now, we have more important issues to deal with. Now is not the best time for a radical change of our laws, especially such a major law as the ban on magic. I'm not saying it's impossible for magic to be reintegrated, son, but not right now."

The prince pouted as he slumped against his throne. I don't agree with throwing Virgil Black in jail for using magic to save me, bad timing or not, he thought. He sighed heavily, feeling depressed. However, a thought struck him. Wait, the mage mentioned his magic guild, he's trying to go back to them. What if we could convince them to help with the situation? Experienced and organized magic users and teachers could be the best way to take care of the current issue as well as make attempts to reintegrate magic at the same time!

Roman looked at the exit of the throne room where Virgil had been escorted away a few minutes ago; he had an idea.

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