Chapter 4 ♡

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A couple weeks went by and you felt really nauseous and dizzy. You felt weak and hot. You sat up from the bed resting your head against your hands rubbing your head.

"Hey... are you okay? You don't seem yourself?" Armin asked. He was worried as he noticed you were uncomfortable and felt sick to your stomach. It took you a second to reply

"Y-yeah I just don't feel good..." you replied. After you say that you immediately rushed to the bathroom to throw up. Armin getting startled and got up from bed to check up on you.

"Are you hurt? What happened?" Armin asked. You got up and walked back and put your hand over your stomach. "I feel really sick Armin".

You and Mikasa both had a conversation about how you felt.
"Did you guys ever recently do the ~deed~ together?" She asked. You immediately froze knowing where this was going. It all made sense now. You could be pregnant. You sat up quickly and nodded. Mikasa looked shock but calmly and you both went to get a test. You were nervous; you never thought about kids but it wasn't like you never wanted any it just never crossed your mind. How you would raise them, how many kids you wanted, what their names would be and here you are getting symptoms of possible pregnancy. You and Mikasa both walked back. You went to the toilet luckily you had to use the bathroom

You took the pregnancy test and left it on the counter freaking out. Walking back and forth hands on your face blabbering on and on and on.
"Oh my gosh I'm so nervous, what if he leaves, what will we do," you freaked out.

"(Y/n) you need to stay calm, it may be positive it may be negative and just a coincidence. Either way if it comes positive you decide what will happen to the baby. Both you and Armin will have the conversation and whatever decision we will support you... I will support you" Mikasa said in a calm tone

You smiled and hugged her. You were ready to see the results of the test. You felt your heart pounding you felt your hands shaking you felt everything fall out of your ass. You took a deep breath, closed your eyes, and open them.


Your eyes widened. It was silent. It was completely silent, it scared you how silent it was. You stared at the result. Comprehending it. Positive... it's positive. I'm pregnant. And it's with Armins baby. You didn't feel disappointed nor sad but you didn't feel joy either. You were calm... after some time you grew a smile on your face with tears running down your eyes. You turned your head to Mikasa

"Mikasa... I'm pregnant" you said

Armin was with Eren and Jean talking about some things. You and Mikasa both walking up to them. Armin noticed you had a nervous look on your face, he noticed your face was a bit puffy, he noticed you had been crying. He ran to you and gave you a hug
"Are you okay, I was worried for you. You don't even know how scared I was. I thought something bad happened" he said.

"Armin I have to tell you something." You stated he looked at you with an anxious look. He looked pretty terrified like if you were going to say something bad. He hoped you weren't going to break up with him or something. He felt his heart drop to his stomach and he was terrified of what he was going to hear.

"Armin. I'm pregnant." You said.

Everyone looked at you, everyone heard what you said. Everyone's jaw dropped and it was silent. The silence was loud. You felt like you were going to die

*please kill me now*

*holy shit*

Armins face was shocked. His big eyes were widened like if he was in fear. You then notice tears forming into his ocean blue eyes. He whimpered and gave you a hug. He squeezed you tightly

"I'm going to be a dad... we're going to have a family... I can't believe I'm finally having one of my own." Armin cried. He started sobbing.

"Wait your not mad?" You asked "How could I be mad?! I'm going to be a dad! This is the best thing I've ever heard!" He replied in so much joy. He gave you a tight hug feeling his warm tears touch your neck.

He then went on his knees and put his hands on your stomach. Kissing your stomach "I can't wait to see you"

Everyone came up to you and congratulated you and asked questions. They were all excited to find out you were having a baby.

[Months pass]

You were in the bed screaming in agony. The pain was unbearable. You felt like you were being ripped open slowly feeling your baby come out tearing you apart. You were finally giving birth. Historia at the end calming you down reassuring you that you're almost there.

"I cant.. it hurts so much" you sobbed squeezing onto Armins hand. You felt him wipe your tears away and kissing your forehead. He then put the cold rag on your forehead again.
Pushing and pushing, pain and pain. Until you heard a cry

"Congratulations.. it's a boy" Historia said cleaning the baby and wrapping him up.

You had a huge smile on your face. You were exhausted "I was hoping for a boy" you said
"Hey a girl would've been nice to (y/n)" Armin laughed. "Ey I wouldn't want another me running around it will drive me insane" you replied with a giggle.
Armin kissed you.
"You did it (y/n). I'm so proud of you" he said
"No. We did it" you smiled

Historia handed you the baby. He had Armins eyes. You were excited knowing your baby had the fathers eyes. You were in love with Armins eyes and now your baby had them. It looked exactly like Armin.
What the hell, it's like a copy and paste. You smiled and kissed your baby feeling his tiny little hands on your cheek. He had your smile. You gave the baby to Armin

He was scared holding the baby, a bit nervous he would hurt him. He was so delicate and gentle with the baby. He was crying, tears running down his face.

"Hey there little guy" Armin whispered. You heard the baby giggle and saw he wrap his hand in Armins pointer finger. It warmed both of your hearts

"Hey no fair he likes you more!" You complained. Armin blushed "Nooo, he wouldn't choose favorites"
Looks like he did already.

"By the way, what's his name going to be?" Armin asked

"Aaron" you smiled. "You like it?" You asked

" I love it" he smiled

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