Chapter 8 ♡

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You were comforting Armin on what had happened to him. You felt terrible for him, he had bruises on the side of his back and a black eye; but it was quickly going away since Floch didn't really hit him in the face too hard. You needed some time to take care of Armin so you let Hange take care of Aaron for a little bit.

He laid on your lap resting his head as you massage his hair. He absolutely loved it; it felt really good and comforting to him. He teared up a little as you wipe his tear off every time they formed.

"Y/N, I feel so embarrassed I can't help but feel humiliated" he whimpered. You shushed him and reassured him that Floch got what he deserve with what you did to him. You later found out he had to be in bed almost all day due to his concussion you left him plus stomping on this throat.

Armin sat up looking at you, his nose and eyes were red from crying. Seeing Armin hurt and upset like this crushed you. You gave him a long hug calming him down, he really needed a hug after all. He melted into your arms which warmed your heart. You loved him so much, he was so adorable you just wanted to protect him. The main reason why he felt embarrassed and humiliated was because he got beaten up in-front of everyone needing you to save him. It wasn't really fair since Armin didn't get the chance to defend himself since Floch came right to him.
Floch had a huge crush on you and he still does, he couldn't take the fact that you chose Armin over him. He hated Armin for no reason which is why you despised him the most. Despised him more than the Titans.
You were shocked by Armin suddenly giving you a kiss on the lips slowly turning into a make out session hearing a little moan come from his mouth. He then stopped quickly and looked down on his lap.
"I'm so sorry I don't know what had gotten to me" he said flustered" his face was once red again. You smirked and put your hand on his chin.
"Do you want to?" You asked with a grin. He looked up eyes wide open. He was stuttering a lot and couldn't keep eye contact.

You then put his hand up your shirt and under your bra. He immediately blushed and closed his eyes. You giggled as you demanded him to take off your shirt. He was shy but slowly did what you said.
"Unhook my bra" you said. He did as you said very shy, redder than ever.

You then got up from your bed, standing in front of him watching you. You took off your pants following your underwear. He looked down eyes glued to your body. You threw your underwear at him making him Yelp. He had your underwear in his hands staring at him wide eye.

"I-erm..ah- w-what do you want me to with it?" He asked. You smiled and laughed at his adorableness walked over kissing him. You felt him moan little bits and saw tears forming in his eyes. He dropped your underwear on the floor as you pushed on top of him. You felt his bulge below.

"This time, I'm taking control" you told him. He agreed as you took off his pants and shirt joining your clothes on the floor. You pinned his hands down as you slipped his member into you. Leaving a loud moan coming from the both of you. You started to bounce up and down very slowly feeling all the pleasure.

As you let go of his hands you put one hand cupping his cheek the other on the bed for balance. He was so cute it warmed your heart. His eyes were full of tears, his blond hair all messed up, sweat coming down, face red, and a flustered look coming from his face as he felt pleasured. You decided to ride faster hearing moans coming from his mouth as you speed up the process. You moaning along with him he put his hand on your breast; he really loved your boobs, he didn't care what size they were at all but he was most definitely a thigh guy.

"Ahh! Y/N, i-if you keep movin your hips like that I'll cum soon..." he whimpered. You smiled and bit your lip bouncing harder and faster as he arched his back.

"AAH- oh god! Ahh! That feels so good y/n more MORE!" He moaned loudly arching his back further.

You loved being in control to see him like this. It turned you on a lot seeing him in your command. You went down to lick his neck feening more pleasure to him. You saw tears running down his eyes, mouth wide open. You went into to make out with him blocking all his loud moans. You felt his hand move under your hand holding it. It warmed your heart, you figured he loved rough yet passionate sex since he always felt the need to hold your hand.

You felt him twitch inside you

"Gahh! Y/n I'm so close!" He yelled.

"Me too!... together.." you replied

Armin quickly pulled you closer hugging you as you both came to your climax hearing nothing but loud moans coming out.

Luckily the squad was outside so this time they wouldn't hear you guys so you guys could be as loud as you wanted to be. You then got off and laid next to him feeling exhausted. He pulled the sheets over you giving you a kiss on your forehead pulling you closer into a cuddle.

Forever- Armin x Reader ♡Where stories live. Discover now