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Just to let ya'll know that this isnt really a thing that happened in my school at this current time but it was in the past. So I guess that I have to share it cause I find it somewhat funny.


I was in gym class and we were playing some kind of ball game, I think it was soccer or something, I'm not too sure. Here is one thing that you need to know about me, I am not active at all. I will walk but I wont run, unless something is chasing after me.

So I started to dissociate from the world around me and I started to listen to other people's conversations and let me tell you, it was quite fun to do. So I was just listening in and this boy, lets call him Bass. He plays sports and he is very competitive and he said "Arrow, you need to pay more attention." I snapped out of my trance that I was in and in my mind I was like Bitch, you better not test me cause I will blackmail you.  The only reason as to why I thought that was because I tend to pick up information that other people tell their closest friends and so that is kind of a bad habit for me to do but I do it anyways. 

Randomness and chaotic energy that I find funny at my schoolWhere stories live. Discover now