Dilf Or Milf?

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So were are in band and we were practing rhythm.

While this one dude was trying to practice the rhythm this dude called Oatmeal was on his phone and he was texting one of his parentals. This dude called (let's call him Mail) he said "Who are you texting?" and Oatmeal responded with "My parent." and so Mail said, "Oh your mom? Is she your milf?" 

Oatmeal looked at him in disgusts and said, "No, its my dad." and Mail said, "Oh so you like dilfs?"

Our teacher stopped what he was doing and looked at him. Mail said, "Yo Coal, do you know what a dilf is and are you a dilf?" Coal got red and said, "No."

Randomness and chaotic energy that I find funny at my schoolWhere stories live. Discover now