How I got "bullied"

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This was in percussion and you might wonder why I am so focused on my band class. Well, this is where most of the chaotic things happen and let me tell you there are a lot of things that go on in that time. 

Half of the class was gone because of a tag thing. So that left with Mole Man, Trash, Meat Shield, someone else (I cant remember their name) and me. I was the only girl at this time and let me tell you, it was so loud. Normally the loudness was balanced because of me, Short Stack and our leader but that was not the case for this day. Anyway I was just setting my things up and Mole Man comes over and grabs my sticks and I tried to get them back but I am short. For my family standards anyway. I was trying to get them back and he decided to put it on top of something thats like a covered. I have no idea so lets just call it the tall thing. The only way you can get it down is if you climb on top of the thing next to it to get it down or a person taller to get it down for you. Our teacher Mrs. Metronome (this is what Trash calls her and so we just go with it, its a nickname for her) was having some sympathy for me because he was bullying me and thats what we call it. Its kind of like a friendly bullying, ya know? 

So that Mrs. Metronome got my sticks down and I went back to my place and for the rest of the day it was just loud chaos, just like Denki and Present Mic.  

Randomness and chaotic energy that I find funny at my schoolWhere stories live. Discover now