That Thing

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A/n This takes place before Barry became the Flash.
Show: The Flash


Barry walked into the room with a frown on his face. He and Iris were about to go to a cousins birthday party.

"Hey do you know where I put that thing?" Barry asked.

"What thing?" Iris questioned.

"You know," Barry said checking the drawers. "The thing that was on the dining table."

"Barry there's been many things that have been on that dining table."

"I guess I'll just go look in the basement again," Barry said walking downstairs into the basement.

"Barry we're going to be late."

"I know, I know, don't worry I'll be quick" he responded.

"If you didn't find it the first time you looked you're not gonna find it the second time!" Iris called after him.

"Found it!" Barry yelled.

"Or maybe you will."


Yeah, yeah, it's short. But what do you think he was looking for?

Also it's December 31 where I live! 2020 will be over in just a few hours! Granted 2021 is probably going to be worse. But anyways did anyone else notice how the New Year is called 2020 won. Get it? 2021. 2020 won.

But anyways,

Happy New Year! 🥳


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