Day 10 - Blood

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Blue's POV

I just got home from visiting my brother and I excitedly raced into the house to see Dream. However when I found him he was hurt, cracks ran down his arm and it looked like it was about to fall off, plus the blood dripping down it didn't look good. He had his eye sockets squeezed closed and was in what appeared to be a lot of pain, so I decided to ask him how it happened later.

Carefully I started to lift his arm and laid it across my lap, preparing to use my weak healing magic. It took a few minutes to make the bleeding stop and the cracks to not look like they would be the cause of his arm randomly falling off. That's when I looked around for the bandages and when I found them I wrapped them around Dream's injury.

Whilst bandaging his injury I saw scars and scabs along his arm and it reminded me of when I saw my brother self harming. It was an uncanny resemblance to the cutting my brother used to do, so seeing that sort of damage on Dream made me feel like I need to keep a closer eye on him. I can't wrap my head around why he would want to harm himself, a reason is needed to do something so self destructive, right?

Now that he's all bandaged up and he's already passed out, I should take him to bed. So being careful so I don't hurt his arm, I carried him to our room and laid him on our bed, draping a blanket over him. He curled up immediately and I couldn't help but smile at how cute he looks when he's sleeping.

Without waking him I slid into the bed beside him, holding him close to my chest and protecting him. I won't let him get hurt again, by himself or anyone else, I love Dream and hate seeing him hurt. His perfect peacefulness is something I want to see more of and I can only see it if he's safe and happy.

-351 words

Hope you enjoyed

This is the end, the challenge is over.

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