Day 4 - Drugs/Addiction

408 20 7

Female humans

Dream's POV

They told me that they're saving me, but I don't quite understand. My Master can be cruel, but he also says he loves me and wants me, although he likes to undress me a lot and touch me. It was alright though, he didn't hurt me often and I really didn't mind his touching when I got used to it.

"Kid, what's your name? We need to know who you are," I looked up at the police officer and thought for a moment, Master has been calling me his toy for a long time.

"I'm Dream," I remembered suddenly, a small ache was between my legs and I wished it would go away, but Master had been putting stuff there before the police showed up.

"Can you tell us what they did to you and how long you've been here? We need to know," these police officers want to know a lot of stuff about me, but I guess it's okay.

"Master liked to take my clothes off and touch me, but I got used to it. I've been with Master since I was four, I think," the officers wrote down my answer in a little notebook, the ache is uncomfortable.

"Is there anything else? This is important," I looked at the ground as I remembered what happened when I disobeyed Master.

"If I made Master mad he'd hurt me a-and he would try to hurt me when he took my clothes off," tears streamed down my face, yet I didn't know why.

"Okay, go over there for a minute," slowly I got up and walked over to a bench, I didn't sit down.

"How old am I? I can't remember," for some reason I felt like I was in a lot of pain, it felt like I was about to die.

I sat on the bench and curled up, digging my nails into the palms of my hands. Blood ran down my hands and onto my arms, I just cried more because it hurt so much. Master made me feel weird very often and now that feels like it was wrong, but he said it was good for me.

"Hey, that kid doesn't look okay," someone shouted, but I started to feel like I couldn't breathe and it felt so bad.

"Kid calm down, someone get a doctor," the people started yelling and it made me more scared, so I let out a scream.

"Move, we'll get her to the hospital," hands lifted me up and into a vehicle, it made me feel more scared.

"Stop touching me," I shouted at the people and they took their hands off me, letting me continue to cry.

We arrived at a building and they got me to get out of the vehicle, walking me towards a room in the building. That's where they cleaned my hands and then bandaged up the spot my nails dug into. I could hear the doctors whispering about me outside of the room, but I tried to ignore them.

Blue's POV

The room I sleep in is supposed to get another girl sometime later today and I can't wait to meet her. Everyone here thinks I'm weird for being so happy after everything I've gone through, but I honestly don't remember anything that's happened to me in the last ten years.

"Blue come out here and greet your roommate, but don't overwhelm her," I walked out of the room and saw a girl with blonde hair, she was shaking.

"Hello, my name is Blue," her eyes met mine and I could see that they're light blue, very similar to mine.

"Dream," Dream is such a cute and fitting name for her, I hope we can become good friends.

"Welcome to our room Dream, it's really nice," I led the shorter girl into the room with green walls and two beds.

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