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As they were running Stephanie came in and they ran out the door the breezy impact making Stephanie loose her balance and blowing her hair backwards making it all messy. It was what her mum would call a racoons nest.

It was clear that neither of them had noticed her so she kept quiet and went up to fix her hair.

The two of them ran along after each other one trying to beat the others speed.

And then suddenly in an attempt to meet up with David's speed Freeda lost her balance and almost fell down but David tried to break her fall but she quickly regained her balance and he fell down instead.

"Ouch___!" David cried out as he fell down to the ground with a loud thud one that shortly, temporarily shook Freeda and she started smiling covering her mouth and when she couldn't control the air pressure which usually came with the loud echoes of laughter, she began to laugh wildy.

As a result David stood up folded his arms walking ahead of her, he looked like a child who's favorite toy had been taken away from him lost, searching and probably confused and upset and this in her eyes made him look cuter, younger and so extremely innocent she considered herself lucky to have had him in her life and so she began running, shouting after him

"David wait where are you going? I'm sorry!".

When she'd nearly caught up with him she saw that some boys were already there and they'd begun hitting him badly so she quickened her pace towards them when she'd gotten closer he wet his eyes with some water because she was not looking and then he reddened his face and other parts of him with lipstick.

When the boys had done what they wanted they absconded and it happened to be at that moment when she'd arrives they'd disappeared and he began to whine and report the boys to her.

"Freeda they thrashed me a lot and now my face is all swollen and you know I could have fought them off but then I remembered my promise ___ow__ I remembered you'd made me promise you I'd never raise my hands to anyone , I remembered our Non Violence Commitment(NVC). He complained smirking at intervals mostly when she wasn't watching .

" They hurt me in bad places especially my beautiful face," he'd said more things like that to get sympathy from her.

She hugged him and smiled patting his pack like she did to Emerald their puppy which he'd gotten for her to celebrate her being elected as class president and then suddenly out of nowhere those same boys who'd thrashed David earlier came out off hiding and David was mischievously giving them a thumbs up.

When Freeda tried to free herself from his tight grip despite the fact she felt like sinking into it forever and never letting go, to feel that warm feeling the feeling his scent his eyes, and all of his body have her, David pulled her closer reluctant to let her go.

"David, David people are watching you're acting like a baby" said Freeda letting go and pulling him off"

"Sorry" he apologized scratching his head. He had that same look in his eyes as earlier lost, dreamy and probably confused and upset.

After that there was a thread of silence but only for a while

"Freeda__" David finally said after staring at her for what seemed like hours " I've a surprise for you, but first I want us to go home for your surprise.

"But what is it exactly"

"It's a surprise and you'll only know about it when we're home.

And so the started their venture home up the darkening streets of Hillmoore when they got home David gave her the beautiful dress he's gotten for her to wear to his second surprise and the dress looked so beautiful on her it was simple and beautiful just like her, those were his words. The only complaint she had was why he'd spent so much on a single dress just for her, she said she couldn't accept it but then Emerald came in and David carried her and began to move her paws puppetrycally

"Please Freeda don't say no or else I'll feel that you don't like the dress and that I might've offended you. "

This made Freeda laugh uncontrollably as she in turn carried Emerald who looked lost and happy and began the same motion as David's " Fine but where are we going that'd need me were such an expensive dress Richard?" Was her question.

And David told her she would soon find out.

When Freeda bent to give him a kiss she found some of her lipstick on his face the exact spots which he'd been hit and this made her ask" David Richard Huston what is my favorite lipstick doing on your face"

David Froze and sped out of her room to get ready In his meanwhile, Freeda's mum dad arrived home with the sleeping baby from her aunt's and so when they'd finished they'd left Stephanie alone with Freeda's parents, her brother and the sleeping baby who'd just only recently awoken.

With a few revs of the cars engine they were off and Freeda was still anxious, feeling weird she had no idea where they were headed and suddenly, involuntarily,she remembered her mum's words"you can't trust guys this days" and this made her cringe a bit but David noticed her abstract feeling of discomfort and tried to ease her stress by engaging her in a discussion trying to make her guess where they were headed. He'd made her bet that if she lost she have to move in with him 'IF' he laid phasis on the word IF she wanted and if she guessed right he'd have to do as she pleased for the rest of the week and they agreed their games begun but Freeda was still unable to guess what the surprise was and eventually they arrived.

THE LOVE OF MY LIFE OR MY CHILHOOD DREAMTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon