#chapter7🌈 Yes I Do, yeah baby

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I was beyond shocked I could here Stephanie whispering to me to say yes.
"Y... Yes I do" I eventually said in hesitation
"Yeah baby" he said jumping up to his feet and clutching my arm like a child would do his favourite toy it was beautiful
My cheeks became red and puffy,
There was an applause from the crowd and he asked me if I'd like him get me a drink. Make that 3 Stephanie said to the waiter while sitting very close to us from behind
"You better not hurt my friend else I'll throw you in front of a car" said a now serious Stephanie "and you I'm still waiting to here my thank you". "Fine thank you" I said rolling my eyes and the waiter handed us our drinks 2 soft drink and a shot you'll never change I said to Stephanie as she took the shot and drank. "Birds of a feather, don't start let me enjoy my self tonight" "well that's fine with me as long as you don't get drunk" we all laughed as soon as I said that. Later we went on a second dance mine and Maylies favorite song "livelylove" by Summer time squash band our top 1 favorite band.
After-wards we headed back home all three of us. He dropped Stephanie and I at home

Maylie I screamed when I saw my cousin who also happens to be my friend pull in in our driveway the next day Steph Mum Dad and I went to help her with her luggage. "Hi Maylie why didn't call to tell you were coming over where's Gramp?" "he's coming later he's gone for his check up and I just wanted it to be a surprise" "uuhn I said revealing my puppy dog eyes that's nice she smirked and we went in and I dropped her bags on the bed in her new room after showing it to her, wow I love glad you do I took my time to arrange it to your liking here's your dressing table wardrobe and your favourite sticker of our favourite band  It's Ricken Strainer your crush haha lol she said and here's you're favourite soft mellow pillows for our pillow fights you up for a round you up for loosing we fought and fought till we fell on her bed. Hey  can I join the nerd circle she said smerking sure come right in weirdo lol(gasps), so Freeda you gonna tell Maylie about David your boyfriend he's not my boyfriend ohh ok Oh Freeda whom's David Maylie asked noone really just my boyfriend said Stephanie in a whispering tone Steph Oh My God looks like someone's inlove hmm o come on girls you're joking I don't love him, really that's not what you're eyes say Maylie I started blushing and just then Girls come down for Dinner Jake,hunny dinners ready looks promising hope I ont puke oh stop that common let's eat where's Jake he's coming Probably said Stephanie and we all had dinner

A bit of a time skip

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