#chapter13🌈 A Tough Choice I'm Sorry To Do This To You

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A few years after, the Twins were all grown up, Stephanie and Natton had travelled to Canada, Freeda had become a Singer a musician to be precise and with the help of David and as for Maylie she had travelled to Atlanta Georgia for a Holiday to rest and be happy, to enjoy herself.  Freeda's mum, and the twins Dad  were living in David's mansion no one was aware of the tragic faith that was about to befall this two love birds.

Earlier that morning

David: Hello Freeda when are you coming back home

Freeda: I'll soon be back im on my way

David: don't be late

Freda:don't worry I won't bye see you soon

David :bye don't forget that I love you

Freeda: i won't I love you too

After the call she looks for the driver and they are on their way home. 30 mins later they arrived.

Freeda: I'm home

David: oh dear I've missed you so much what happened why you so late you look so tired what can I get you

Freeda: Woaw what happened what's with all the questions slow down.

David: SORRY (smiles), What would you like

Freeda: well I'd like some orange juice

David: Ok I'll get it for you now ok be right back.

Freeda: Ok thanks. David umm can we take the Neine and Neina to the park after lunch

David: Here is your orange juice freshly squeezed

Freeda: Hmm it's quiet tasty

David: Of course i'd squeezed it hadn't I,  Maybe you're right but why so suddenly I mean what made you think we should.

Freeda: well i just think that it's been a while since they'd last seen their aunt and would like to go out with her, so why don't we all go out together?

David: you know what maybe your right and sides i don't think Steph and Nate would be back any time soon.

Freeda:yes you're right

Freeda finishes her juice and goes to freshen up and they all have lunch and leave for the park afterwards

Neine: Freeda you're back when did you come back and how was your trip David uncle didn't tell us anything

Freeda: I've missed you so much and i brought something for you both, also yes my trip was awesome, you know what I'll tell you all about it later right now I wanna ride the Ferris wheel who's with me.

Neina: Thank you blonde hair (Freeda) also yes the Ferris wheel would be great but Neine is scared of heights.

Freeda: oh really well seems like your uncle David and Neine so have something in common.

Neina: Where's Blue eyes (David)

Freeda: he's coming he went to park the car ok so while don't we head over there he'll come and meet us there

Neine: but how will he find us

Freeda: hmm you're right we'll wait for him ok now who wants some ice cream sundaes oh but don't tell Blue eyes or else hell feel jealous, common let's go

THE LOVE OF MY LIFE OR MY CHILHOOD DREAMМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя