# Chapter 4 🌈 The Great David Knows All

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"Oh no were late to the party well at least we made it" said David when they got there with Freeda still in his arms like his newly wedded bride and she seemed not to mind for a moment but then Stephanie came with Jake and she (Freeda) asked him to drop her and he did sending her crashing down to the ground and she whined while others laughed

"Hi David" said Stephanie while he helped Freeda up and he exchanged greetings with her and they chatted a while later Freeda noticed her face getting red and puffy and tried to stand up although she immediately regretted that decision when she felt another pain in her ankle then she begged Stephanie help her get some ointment but David offered to go instead and also got her a little something in a bottle.

When he arrived he applied the ointment his hands were so soft on her feet that she didn't want him to stop and all of a sudden Stephanie coughs, Jake excuses  himself and Stephanie asked if she could give them some alone time and leaves smiling and playing with her hair.

Feeling better, hello Freeda to Earth Freeda to Earth his hands moved like they were gonna hurt my eyes.

He offered her a little something in a bottle which he eventually revealed was apple juice when he saw that innocent worried look on her face.

Meanwhile David was also with his friends they knew about Freeda and their childhood friend. One of his friends Mikey Livai And Leis Prudence  spoke to him and tried to talk him into proposing to her and then Jakey Natton  the shyest of the 4 spoke

"Dude just propose to her tell her you like her common dude" then everyone except Dave was quiet then Dave spoke

"No Im way to nervous"

" oh common dude your not the why type!" exclamated Livai  and Dave asked

"What if she says no?"

" Oh common dude like any girls ever gonna say no to those cute green puppy eyes chillax man there are tons of girls dying to be with you out there and you're rethinking if to  propose to one girl common make it make sense

Then David fell silent and Leis the boldest of the four spoke

" Oh please guys why you trying our friend is a chicken in other words, kpokpo coocoorococo" he said making funny chicken noises that annoyed David

Oh so now you're mocking me burst out an annoyed David

_Oh no I dare not I'm only making fun of you" said Leis with his evil yet charming smirk on his face. It was unique, phenomenal something you don't see everyday.

"Fine I'll propose" said David as his friends turned to go look for chics

"That's better now if you'll have excuse me id like to go find some chics" said Leis

"Chics?" asked Natton

"Sexy Ladies" replied David and Mikey laughed.

Meanwhile Freeda was also being told by Stephanie to express how she felt around  David and at first she disagreed but she did later agree.

"Icecream?" asked David "sure id like some thanks" she replies amd smiled and Stephanie chips in that it was her cue to leave.  

"I want to  say something' they said in unison again "you go first"offered David  "no you" you she countered  "well ok, I just wanted to invite you to my home  for dinner I need your help with a mathematics programme and I need your advice, so how about seven tommorow?".

"No problem but is it going to be just the two of us ___"  He stopped me before I could say a thing. I know what your thinking and I promise you I'm not that type of person I promise I won't hurt you in fact I'll take care of you so much you'll get tired of me sides it was Stephanie whom told me to ask you"

"Then she takes her eyes off him to look at Stephanie whom was slowly blushing which led into laughter.

She couldn't believe well actually she could she was her friend and so she knew her well.

"Sure I'd like to come over as long as I'm safe" she answered and shifted a strand and of her hair to the back of her ears and said "don't worry I promise not to harm you in anyway",.

Just then he left to see Stephanie and asked her to go ring and gift shopping  with him and she agreed before he could finish his statement.

" Thanks I'd also need you're help to set up the surprise" said David

"Well I gotta warn you she might say no she's pretty simple and doesn't like expensive gifts" Stephanie informed him and then continued  "But don't worry I also knows she likes you a lot and at that moment Dave began to blush".

"Come-on let's go Mr Dave Mc Blushy" she mocked him and walked ahead leaving David behind and when she was out of sight David began to jump and squeal like a child and then he stopped and adjusted his outfit and he left to fetch Freeda so they could enjoy what was left of the awesome party and soon the party was over.

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