#chapter 3 🌈 'umm we might have a little problem',.

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David arrives in his magnificent Blue shirt and black pants and I'm stuned, speechless then I do speak,

"wow you look stunning"
"Thanks and who is he"
" he is my little brother don't pay attention to him".

"Come-on let's go" "Yeah ok Jake come-on we're leaving" "coming" Jake slams the door and the car buzz's off.

We began a short conversing
"By the way how'd you end up in Carndsville" " I'd rather not tell". "Ok but why's he coming with us No offense". "Non taking and mum asked me to take him along". "oh ok".

On our way it begins to rain.

''Good thing I have an umbrella me too Jake you want one, 'No,'! he said strapping on his Spiderman's helmet.

"You sure Jake, ok bye yeah whatever".

"Let's share an umbrella he said revealing yet again those cute green eyes, No! sorry I'm a strictly one umbrella person___"
"Please", he said looking at me with his cute lil smile that good make every girls pain go bye and his lil green eyes that shared their colours with the trees and flowers of mother nature and rare strawberry red lips that reminded her if strawberries obviously .

His pleading melted her heart and she agreed to share an umbrella with him just then a huge bolt of lightning strikes making her jumpy she fled right into his arms frightened and splash they landed right into a mud puddle right on top of each other and they stayed like that for what seemed like ten seconds their lips almost touching then they stood up one after the other to stare at their muddy clothes and faces then David makes fun of Freeda and sais that her new make-up looked really good on her and she gets angry and smudged mud into his face and he admitted he deserved that and then they began to walk further  and suddenly not so far from them was a violet coloured painted shed.

"Let's go see if anyone is there".they said in unison 

Jake was far from them by now.

"There's no one inside perfect"

"What do you mean ?" She said with a confused look on her face

"I mean you can change here and I'll chaange, there he said clearing things up".

Wow just great this place gives me the Goosebumps literally. "Is that Spiderweb gross," Well good thing I brought extra clothes 3 actually". She said

"Wow strange it's not like you're going to a ball why pack so many, clothes" he said face almost touching hers " cut it creep and besides  you never know-......." She'd said rolling her eyes in a gesture meaning it's so obvious ... you might need to change anything is possible we can't tell the future and he surrendered and sais the words "well I guess your right".

When David was done;

"Freeda I'm done are you?" he paused turning about vastly,
"Umm Freeda your Zip's undone
"Yeah I know it's kind of stuck could you help me fix it?"  "are you sure?" he said his breath--shacking

Look i know  my zip is broken but don't get all excited she said and he just said whatever then she turns for him to fix it. She could feel his breath on her back as he slowly pushed her rich long her aside and tried to fix her zip but then he froze "what happened" she asked and he replied "your zip is broken   and your dress is turn". "wait! what am I gonna to do now?" and then like she'd been woke from a trance she said 'wait you purposely tore my dress didn't you" and he retorted her saying
"Hold up you were the one who told me to help you with your zip and now you blame me?" " well I didn't tell you to tear my dress did I" (Pillow-Fight) "you, you broke my zipper and tore my dress that was my favorite dress from my first birthday" where'd you get pillows?, wait how many do you have "NOYB(none of your business)5"  "what" he said eyes wider than ever and she replies "well that was still my favorite one"

" no I didn't mean to no hey, hey, no don't you dare" he said and then she asked angrily "should I well should I"  "no!, not flour, you come back here you poured flour on me now it's your turn"  "hey don't you pour it on my hair huh how dare____" " you started it"
(Looks like we've got a song coming up)

O you're my love my wonderful love you make my day worthwhile when I'm down you make me smile you're lips are just like roses you're eyes are as green as the lovely trees of nature oh I can't help starring in your eyes not on Heaven not on Earth is there anyone like you your the perfect one for me when I'm around you my cheeks are red and puffy my heart beats faster than anything I could think of oh please never leave you and I are meant to be.

Sang the radio as they fell right onto the lylon bed next to them for a few seconds there was silence with both  starring into each other's eyes with their lips growing closer and closer she tried to restrain but she couldn't  she could feel a blush coming up she felt so strange she'd never felt like this before their minds were in the clouds until just then a loud noise brought them back to reality that moment was so awkward neither of them could say anything for awhile as she kept a strand of her hair behind her ear while he kept scratching the back of his neck

"Sorry!"  we both said at the same time 'no I'm sorry I shouldn't have torn your dress" he claimed " hey it wasn't your fault" and then he smirked and said" yeah I've been trying to tell you for so long now I mean look at us you know I have something to say to you go ahead say it"

She'd said hoping to hear those three magical words "I , well I umm I ___" he stammered and she inteeruoted him "just say it" I said impatiently and he comtinued "I--I love you your dress before it got torn". "So that's all you wanted to say" she became disappointed and said" I thought___" " thought what?" He asked and I replied "nothing don't worry about it" and he sais he knows what she thought.

Just then my phone chimes it's Stephanie my girlfriend from 1st grade we go back a long way I tell her all of my deepest secrets and about all my crushes she's closer to me than my mum would ever be.

From Stephanie
To Freeda

"Hi where you at? you missing the party"

" oh no were late" she said  "I'll go wait for you outside when your done you can join me" he said absurdly and she akwardly said sure.

Moments later I'm done

"wow you look nice" he complements.  "Thanks it's also my favorite" I replied.
"Anyways let's go hello David to earth what are you thinking"
I said when he was continuously starring at me. "

"Oh it's nothing"
"You sure" I said to be certain and he said  yes I'm sure ok then let's go wait please promise not to tell anyone what happened between us it's kind of embarrassing and I said yeah sure of course blushing hardly

" Also who messaged you the other time it was my friend Steph"  "Steph" he mimicked showing confusion on his face "Stephanie" I clarified  "oh makes sense" he said and so I said " sure" I said rolling my eyes.

Then I was running away from him leaving him to chase me When I fell down and sprained my ankle.

While all this happened Jake was lost in the woods all on his own he wondered about for a while but eventually he found a way out or so he thought

"Finally sunlight but wait where am I " and then he read out the words on the  bright multicolored banner
"WELCOME TO THE CARNDSVILLE ANNUAL CELEBRATION" and then there a bunch of smaller words that read hope you have fun.

He stepped into the entrance and the first person he saw looked a lot like his sister and her boyfriend at least that was what he thought but when he got closer he realized that it wasn't them and he was that imagining it and he found that he was missing his sister and tried to shake the feeling off but no matter how he tried he couldn't stop thinking about her.

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