Chapter 1

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Once again, we do not own bnha nor the characters, they all belong to Kohei Horikoshi. We only own this book and Y/N. Enjoy!

Shock and terror filled whispers went down the street. Talk of the attack done against the number one hero, filled most of the school, if not all of it. It was a terrifying day for many, that something like this could happen in what was thought to be a secure location. Something was wrong, but few knew what it truly was. It was just a matter of time before secrets began to spill and more would be revealed.

The tension in the air was thick, cold. Silence filled the air, no one dared break it. Whispers and murmurs around the school every time a 1A student walked by, rumors floating through the school like a current, rushing through everyone, the students of 1A in the middle of the brutal river.

One person who entered the gated building, who was neither a student nor a teacher walked in. Unusually, the alarm system hadn't gone off, like she was meant to be there. Which was exactly the case. Her footsteps were quiet as she walked through the door of the building, avoiding as many students as she could. The ones in groups specifically. She was searching for one room, and one room alone. The one where the mouse-like principal sat waiting to be exact.

She weaved through the waves of students, careful not to make contact with any of them. She soon found the principal's office. As she was about to knock on the door, her fist raised, she heard a voice. "Come in Y/N!" It was Nezu, principal of UA, and the one who called her here.

The woman acknowledged his voice and opened up the door to the office, quietly opening it. Then she stepped in and closed the door behind her. Her eyes travelled to the rather small principal and she walked closer. "You called me here due to the attack, correct?" Y/N asked, her voice full of seriousness. This was an important matter at hand, and she knew what she was likely here for at the moment. It would probably be a simple mission, protecting the students until Aizawa was fully healed and were able to handle attacks better.

Nezu nodded to her question, rather glad she had a good understanding of the importance of this. "Yes, and I hope that you would be willing to help us." The genius principal spoke, seeming happy to say the least. "While hopefully, the attack was only a one time event, there is a high chance that this could happen again."

The female nodded along slightly as she listened to the principal speak, thinking it over a bit. It seemed to be an easy enough job, and she would be fine if the students didn't crowd or touch her in anyway. Hopefully they'd be understanding, but there was also doubt. "I will agree to help you out. Are there any other details I need to know? Will I be helping out Aizawa for most of it?" She asked him, wanting to be completely sure about all that she needed to do. Being reckless would do her no good for this. If another attack did happen, she had to keep her quirk anonymous for now to ensure that she could catch this so-called League of Villains by surprise.

"In a way, you will be posing as a Teacher's Assistant in order to be close to them without drawing any suspicion from any potential attackers," Nezu answered. She nodded in understanding, seeing the logic in the strategy. It was clever, though not unexpected from the unusually intelligent mouse-bear like creature.

"I see," She replied, her head turned as the door opened again. It was Eraser Head, Aizawa Shouta. Wrapped in all his bandaged glory, he stood there, walking toward them nonchalantly. She raised a brow at him, "Looking a bit roughed up Aizawa," He snorted, rolling his eyes at her comment. "Y/N," Aizawa nodded to her in acknowledgement.

"I assume you heard the plan?" She glanced at him, trying to read anything off of his body language. The raven haired teacher only nodded in confirmation. If it were to protect his students, he'd do just about anything. After all that had happened to him, he couldn't bear to lose anyone else that was close to him.

"You'll be introduced to the students when class starts today." He explained tiredly to the young woman, his voice monotone as normal, "They will not be told why you are here, and it will be explained that it had been planned before the entire incident with the recent attack." The principal then dismissed them, and both the pro heroes left the room.

(Time Skip)

Classes had soon started and most of class 1-A had been in their seats, though far from quiet. It was normal for the class, and most were still talking about all that had happened during the attack on the USJ. Many were still in disbelief and some were nervous about future events that would happen because of this. They didn't even know if their teacher was fine or would be coming in to teach for a long time.

They heard the door handle click, instantly getting their attention. In walked their teacher, their eyes widen in surprise as they see him heavily bandaged.

"Sensei! You are alright!" a boy with dark blue hair and engines on his calves, who she now identified as Ingenuim's younger brother, exclaimed.

"Can you really call that alright?" commented a doe eyed brunette as Aizawa walked to the front of the classroom. Y/N had been instructed to wait outside the door while he was calming down the class, which wasn't going too well.

The raven haired teacher simply shook his head as best as he could through the tightly wrapped bandages. "My welfare isn't important." He spoke, "Because your fight is far from over." That caused the class to grow confused over what the pro hero was talking about.

"Our fight?" an angry looking blonde questioned.

"Don't tell me..." a green haired boy trailed off mumbling.

"More villains?!" a short purple haired boy shrieked in a state of panic.

"UA's Sports Festival is fast approaching," Aizawa informed.

"A sport's festival!" a student bursted out.

"I keep forgetting this is an actual school!"

"Wait, hold up! Won't the villains try to infiltrate it?" a student's voice rose over the clamor of her classmates. The voices were mixed as everyone was suddenly talking about the sports festival. It was only a few moments after the voices had risen that the teacher had finally had enough. His voice had finally cut through the chaos. Unfortunately, he couldn't use his quirk too well at the moment due to the bandages and attack, so he couldn't use that to make the students quiet down quicker.

"There will be five times more security due to the recent incident at the USJ." The teacher explained as his class had luckily calmed down enough for his voice to be completely heard. A quiet sigh left his mouth and he glanced at the door through the bandages. "Now that you all have quieted down, I have an announcement to make. L/N, please come in,"

Upon hearing her name being called, the H/C woman reached toward the doorknob. She opened the door, the handle giving a click as she twisted it.

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