Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: We do not own bnha or the characters. We both are too broke.

The door swung open as the woman walked in, and stood next to their teacher. Clad in an outfit that looked similar to the uniform that the girls in the school wore. The differences were few, but a few major ones were there. It was a deeper grey and the skirt was replaced by a pair of pants. They were a dark green, almost black color and ended where it neatly fit against her skin, right above her ankle. Her hair was down, straightened to make herself look professional for the first day. Though it was also to further differentiate herself from the hero that she was, especially with a student who could know Eraserhead of all people just from a look at his quirk.

"Students, this is L/N Y/N, she will be posing as your new TA, this means, she can take care of you guys while I get some sleep. Now if you need something, bother her, not me," Aizawa walked out of the room, leaving her alone with the troublesome class 1-A.

She was soon bombarded with an entourage of questions. Many of the students ran up to her, pushing each other away and talking over each other.

"What's your quirk?"

"Are you a hero? Why haven't I seen you around?"

"Are you here because of the attack?"

"Why are you wearing the school uniform?"

"Can you even teach here if you aren't a hero?"

"How old are you?"

"Are you single?"

Many of those questions were just the ones from the green haired male that was always so fascinated by heroes and wanted to know really everything about their quirks and fighting styles. The others were lost in the crowd of voices, some obviously on the more inappropriate side. Smaller comments coming from a certain blonde with a black lightning strike design in his hair, and more serious ones coming from a short purple haired boy. Truly, how did Aizawa deal with these kids on a daily basis? They weren't what you'd expect a hero class to act like, especially after a traumatic event they had recently experienced.

Having enough of their constant questions, she sighed. "Will you kindly shut up?" She snapped, giving them a glare. It seemed to work, because they did stop with the questions. She shook her head, these annoying kids, no wonder Aizawa was tired all the time.

"Alright, one person at a time. Starting with you," she pointed to the kid that had been asking most of the questions.

The green haired boy had to hold himself back from bombarding her with more questions, having noticed that she was already annoyed with most of the class. So for now, he decided one or two at a time would be the best. "Are you teaching here because of the attack? And are you a pro hero?" He asked her. All of the teachers, and even their school chef was a pro hero. It didn't seem normal if one wasn't one.

"This has nothing to do with the attack." (Y/N) spoke, going along with what the black haired teacher had told her before. "This had been planned before the incident," she answered the first question. She was unsure how to answer the second one at first. She couldn't reveal her identity, so all she could do was throw in more lies and half truths to keep their plans a secret. "Even if I was, you wouldn't know me" she answered the second one, before moving onto the next student.

Izuku didn't enjoy the answer to the second question, but was mostly content with the answer to the first. Still, there was definitely something going on. He was about to begin with his normal habit of muttering, but was snapped out of it as she called on another student. The electric quirked blonde to be exact.

"Are you..." he paused as he saw Kirishima and Sero doing motions that told him to shut up. He complied immediately as he saw the new teacher's assistant's eyes narrow. "I forgot my question, sorry." He spoke, mostly believable due to how he acted most of the time.

The woman sighed, a bit annoyed as she realized what students that she would have to look out for the most part. Problem children as most would describe them. She then called on a boy with a rather angry look, his spiky blond hair making him look almost like a pomeranian.

"What's your quirk?" He asked with a slight smirk on his face, "They didn't send some quirkless loser to help teach our class, did they?" Yep, another kid that was obviously going to be a problematic one.

"Why would you need to know my quirk? If I'm not a hero, I would not be authorized to use it anyway, until I'm in life threatening danger of course." She spoke, before her voice held a threatening tone. "A hero should not be speaking like that anyway. I have as much power to expel you as your normal teacher does, and I will not hesitate to make sure you never are able to return to this school."

His eyes widened, obviously surprised by the way she talked to him, her sharp gaze pinned him down, all the while, her face remained emotionless and blank. Before anything else could happen, a deep voice interjected.

"Why do you want to help with the hero course?" she glanced at the owner of the voice, it was a boy sitting on top of a desk near one of the walls. He had the dark feathered head of a crow, dark red eyes stared at her expectantly.

"I know some of your teachers, they recommended me to teach the hero course," This was an easy question to answer, for that, she was somewhat grateful. This kid hopefully wouldn't be troublesome, but he at least didn't seem like he would be at all.

The bird headed male simply nodded, seeming to be fine with the answer. Even so, the question wasn't one that he needed the answer to, he just knew what 'mad banquet of darkness' would emerge if Bakugou decided to get any angrier at the teaching assistant and test his luck again.

"Now is that all of your questions?" The woman asked the class, noticing that the rest of the class had seemed less excited to ask her questions. Of course they had good reason to. Anyone who intimidated a student like Bakugou was certainly not anyone to be messed with. Well, they mostly just didn't want to be tossed out of the school because they asked something wrong.

Now the young assistant just wanted their normal teacher to return so she could get a bit more used to having to teach a class. She understood he was injured and all, that wasn't something she could complain about. It just was a bit frustrating that he had left her to deal with the wave of students that was sent crashing towards her not even a couple of moments after he had left the room. Even still, the creature that had attacked him was obviously extremely powerful, so she knew that it was best for him to rest whenever he could.

After a few seconds of silence, she spoke again. "Good." She said as her eyes scanned over the students. "I would like for you to at least introduce yourselves with your names so I can at least get used to helping your teacher." She said, before she went row by row as the students each told them their names, and nothing else. She'd learn their quirks soon enough, and she already knew a bit from things Aizawa on their walk back to the classroom. Now she just had to ensure that they would be safe during her whole time helping the teachers out with this newly arisen issue.

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